Ive been around the internet but not like I used to be when I was around SG. With the birthday sale (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SG!!!!), I couldn't resist!!
Update, I'm going to school in Orlando start November 19th at the Aveda Institute and I couldn't be more excited!!! I miss blogging, and I'm going to want to connect with as many people as possible so I can have models and practice subjects!
Until then, I'm living here in the middle of North Central Florida country and I couldn't be happier! I was planning a move to Orlando to be closer to school, but for the time being, I'll be commuting until I get a job or a place to live or whatever. I'm not trying to worry to much about it. I'd rather worry about my income and finances so that I can afford to drive down for school 3 days a week.
Anyway, I post stuff on IG but I'll be back to posting stuff here. I miss blogging and my personal site is not longer up and running. I might just stick to here... we shall see.
Much love to everyone and I hope life is going great wherever you are.