I reapplied to SG. I hope my second application gets accepted. It would only let me add three pictures... I mean, the first one (before the new site rollout) was accepted. That means I'll get accepted this time, right? Now I'm a little stressed out by it.
Anyway, not much is going on in my world currently. Taking Calculus 2 online was a bad idea. I knew it from the start but I convinced myself it was going to be fine... and I knew better. Proof that one should never argue with oneself! I went against my better judgement and now I'm going to have to drop it... at least I still have my gym class that might possibly keep me from getting financial aid flagged. We shall see...
I got a new-to-me car!! YAY! Traded my 2002 Honda Civic for a 2003 Mazda Protege Sport. So far, I'm loving it!! Mostly because it's power windows and doors, tinted windows, 4-doors and a hatchback! Definitely an upgrade in my book. Now I just need to upgrade my occupation.
Speaking of which, I'm ready for an occupation change, or to break into my field already. I've been out of medical assisting school for 7 months and haven't landed a job yet... granted I haven't been seriously looking but enough is enough!! Retail doesn't pay enough and I'm pseudo-trying to build up MFC but eh. I don't want to rely on that. At this point, I have to, but I really don't want to. I don't want to HAVE TO be all sexual nshit to pay my bills. I just want to be sexual to be sexual. Maybe I should just try to make myself horny all the time....
Anyway, that's about all for now. I'm settling into my apartment little-by-little. I'm realizing how much I require to be happy. I'm not materialistic (ok maybe I am) but it seems I do require quite a bit to be comfortable... but it's probably because I don't have a place to put everything. I just brought down a glass desk that was at my mom's and bought a used twin bed (I was sleeping on an airmattress, then a cot, then the floor, then the cot again for the longest time) and just those two little things changed the whole look of my apartment and it makes me excited again about where I live. Maybe it's not materialism... maybe it's just the little things...
Now I'm just complaining. Or rambling... either way...
At the Red Sox and Rockies game a few weeks ago.
Me and my #1 on our way to the second game. She's applying to be an SG and I'm shooting her first set... whenever that happens...