To Shadow
For now
Your pain makes the shadow less long
I subsume the spirit in it.
If we stand beside
I step into your shadow
And seem less long.
Once the shadow is gone,
Then what is there?
Its not that Im jealious.
Its that the arms that once held me,
Are wrapped around you
Your bodies are intertwined,
In a way we never were
You kiss the way I couldnt
You love the way I should have
You are together today.
Not tomorrow. Not tomorrow.
Today is tomorrow
And this is what tomorrow brings.
Thats why I grieve.
To Cheapness
I sat in wonder of what was missing.
You know.
Walking covered in warmth,
Walking on the sunset,
With trees deepening the sky
And the light making no haze upon the stars
To block, to restrict.
To a Soprano voice,
Powerful lilting, and the smell of oiled wood,
The way plum-wine sauce tastes,
The way this city looks from Marin,
Or from a Ferry
Always going away.
So I sat in the cold,
Missing every sunset
Beneath a shallow sky,
The stars struggled to see me
Through the haze.
The tangled murmer of a television set
Dull, numbing
And the smell of dog and cigarettes,
The way meals taste
When theyre not your own.
The way this city looks from the inside,
From a building,
Always inside.
For now
Your pain makes the shadow less long
I subsume the spirit in it.
If we stand beside
I step into your shadow
And seem less long.
Once the shadow is gone,
Then what is there?
Its not that Im jealious.
Its that the arms that once held me,
Are wrapped around you
Your bodies are intertwined,
In a way we never were
You kiss the way I couldnt
You love the way I should have
You are together today.
Not tomorrow. Not tomorrow.
Today is tomorrow
And this is what tomorrow brings.
Thats why I grieve.
To Cheapness
I sat in wonder of what was missing.
You know.
Walking covered in warmth,
Walking on the sunset,
With trees deepening the sky
And the light making no haze upon the stars
To block, to restrict.
To a Soprano voice,
Powerful lilting, and the smell of oiled wood,
The way plum-wine sauce tastes,
The way this city looks from Marin,
Or from a Ferry
Always going away.
So I sat in the cold,
Missing every sunset
Beneath a shallow sky,
The stars struggled to see me
Through the haze.
The tangled murmer of a television set
Dull, numbing
And the smell of dog and cigarettes,
The way meals taste
When theyre not your own.
The way this city looks from the inside,
From a building,
Always inside.