Hello SG land! I have found some time to blog again. Life seems to be going by so quickly lately. I just got back from a farm called Young Living in Mona, UT. It is a farm that distills essential oils, mainly Lavender, hyssop, golden rod and Clary sage. It was quite the experience. Just learning about true natural essential oils, how they are made and what benefits they have was truly an enriching experience. We got to test a lot of the oils and smell them and just delve into their goodness. It took about 2 hours to drive there and another 2 to drive back, so im pretty tired, but normally i would be in a classroom on any other Tuesday, so ill take the mini road trip over that. Tomorrow there is the Skin Care Professionals Conference and it is being held at MY school! So I get to go to that all day and listen to a lot of different vendors and get samples of their products and learn awesome things! Maybe win a few prizes... who knows. That should be pretty fun.
In other news, i did break up with my boyfriend again. We just need to take more time to ourselves and think about what we truly want as individuals. It sucks big time and i don't want to be away from him, or separate from him, but that is what is best at this point. I am trying to just take it for what it is... and not get to overwhelmed by my loneliness. I love him still and always will, that will never change. But i am trying to stay positive in all aspects of my life. I will be only more miserable if i constantly think about how miserable i am . From the fire and ashes is born the phoenix---When one door closes, another one opens---you have to go through hell to get to heaven--- and repeat.....
I think i am going to take advantage of my free time and go take a nap!
In other news, i did break up with my boyfriend again. We just need to take more time to ourselves and think about what we truly want as individuals. It sucks big time and i don't want to be away from him, or separate from him, but that is what is best at this point. I am trying to just take it for what it is... and not get to overwhelmed by my loneliness. I love him still and always will, that will never change. But i am trying to stay positive in all aspects of my life. I will be only more miserable if i constantly think about how miserable i am . From the fire and ashes is born the phoenix---When one door closes, another one opens---you have to go through hell to get to heaven--- and repeat.....
I think i am going to take advantage of my free time and go take a nap!
sorry to hear about u breaking up with ur bf!
time is a great healer and it is also a great time to think!