WTF !!!!!
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Monday Sep 19, 2005
WTF No Apnea No Voltaire -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
I spend far too much time staring at screens. I have dreams about … -
Saturday Jun 18, 2005
Why am I up at 5.57 am on a Sunday morning you may ask? Well here… -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
Today is a VERY good day. -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2005
I think I've OD'd on info need sleep -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
Read More -
Monday May 30, 2005
I've just got back from seeing Revenge of the Sith. It was a weird… -
Saturday May 28, 2005
I don't know what many duplicate entries -
Friday May 20, 2005
WTF !! Where did it go? oh well.. back up now hope ev…
I need a new tire for my car, my front passenger side wheel has a dent in the rim which makes the tire wear funny...I have to take my cat to the vet-doctor and my electricty got shut off today!!! (But I paid $250 for have it turned on again, so no worried there...)
And it's too windy at the beach to want to be there long...I did get a poem started which made me happy...
Of course I'll be your friend!
I see your into sleep depravation! Hahaha, I'm a bit of an insomniac myself...I wrote a poem about it a while ago.
I fight for unconsciousness
Alas, it is to no avail
For my eyes remain open
My mind, reeling and unrelenting
My greatest foe
Tempting me into battle
Against my worst enemy
In turn, my only ally
My most dreaded fear
Comes from within the darkness that refuses to fall
But not the darkness that envelops me physically
It is the darkness that comes to mind
When I close my eyes
This is what remains
My body weak and spent
My mind is thrashed and torn
And still I cannot sleep
Yet wishing I could wake
Existing on my own
Unbalanced and undone
Tearing up inside me
Burning down my bridges
My thoughts are my own
These uncontrolled, chaotic images
Of time ill-spent
And wishes not fulfilled
All the cause of my sleepless nights
And dream-like days
Not complementing each other
Yet blending seamlessly together
Now unable to comprehend
The meaning of day to day confusion
Living the night to night resistance
Dreaming of dreams that will never surrender themselves
Lusting after the darkness that so frightens me
Swimming in the hatred which my fear brings
Evil and tenacious
Thus tender and forgiving
Held prisoner of my on consciousness
Being held by this surrounding void
Mindless in fury
Boundless in energy
Feeling in the thick fog
Smelling the sour breath of said villain
This is sleep depravation.
Sorry that was so long!