hat tip thefreak
Well folks, looks like this is gonna be the last entry until the new year. I'll be a little busier than normal, which is a good thing.
As per usual .. here's a bunch of freakin' pictures.
The weather can't seem to make up it's mind. One minute it's almost freezing, the next it's fucking 70 degrees.

But, it does make for some gorgeous skies.
I've been out my MIND lately, sick with pneumonia, and generally just feeling like crap.
I had a huge panic the other day with Amazon, but luckily everything has been settled and all my xmas gifts are in.
So, between coughing up my spleen, oozing from my nose, and sleeping I finally had a chance to finish my two projects and wrap everything.
Project One - For the sister in law.
I didn't know what to get her, and to be honest .. I didn't want to get her anything.
After much debate with my brother over what he thought I should get her, I settled on making an uber simple purse. I've made a million of these before, so it's not like I had to try very hard.
And viola.
Project Two - For the old lady (mah grandma)
I wanted to take some awesome pictures of me and Lylah(my dog) in a pumpkin patch .. My good friend is a photographer. But, we never got around to actually doing it. So I made her a purse, too. Except this one took me nearly all week to complete.
I don't use patterns when I make things, and part of me kind of wishes I did. It'd probably save me a lot of stress.
Anyhow. Enjoy.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to Christmas .. I have to put everything in a box.*
The wrapping paper also has to either match or coordinate. But I'm glad I felt well enough to plop my ass on the floor and wrap all this crap. Now, who's going to help me get this shit in my car?
Speaking of Christmas awesomeness ...
My friend bought me these.
After about three hours of chasing the fucking cats around to get a picture, they finally decided to pose for me.
And I also discovered that Lylah .. isn't so photogenic without a flash.
She can't wait for Christmas. She knows the drill, too.
After everyone else opens their gifts, cats included, Lylah gets to come to the living room. She sits on her "spot" and waits til I give her the "ok" to go to the tree. She grabs the only thing left unopened, and brings it back to her "spot."
I usually get to snap a picture or two but that all depends on how edible the gift is and how quickly she picks up on the scent.
Anyhow, she rips open the gift, takes the treat/toy, then runs back outside jumping and running like she just won the freakin' lottery.
Yeah, all of that .. is entirely true. Can you tell who's my favorite?
But here she is, in all her glory.
Eight spoilers later .. I'm exhausted and well .. still fucking sick.
Merry Christmas to all of you, and if you don't celebrate it .. then I guess you're just shit out of luck.