I was up in flames this morning cause one of my friends posted something very distasteful against the cause of equality I'm passionate about.
Excuse the fuck out of me? Who are you to say a woman can't teach me of gods love!?!? How fucking dare you degrade a fellow human being to be insignificant to you!!! Were my thoughts exactly so I responded
The post continued with illogical monologue of how the bible says it, not me. I was getting extremely pissed because I'm not about that. People are people. Man and woman should be judged by character and skill not gender. But then it got sadder.
That's terrible. My demeanor changed and brought up a sad realization of how we haven't progressed as a society yet. I read this guys comments and was like feeling very sad.
It takes me back cause I'm very fortunate where all should be fortunate. I can tell @mouse and @sophoulla they're beautiful and sexy all day...it's not a problem, it's a society norm. If I were to tell a man they're handsome or hold their hand, I'd be the worst of the worst. How is that fair? What place is it of society to say which way our hearts are supposed to point? I just left off with this comment and I'd like to be a beacon for anyone who has been told their hearts desires is not okay.
Hopefully in our daily lives, we can accepting of all that it can be contagious enough that it'll catch on and spread like wildfire. No one deserves to be denied their hearts desire. Also, no one should be told they can't teach or accomplish something because of their gender. What's in your heart and what you build with your hands is how you should be defined in life.
Take it easy my dudes and if anyone told you it's not okay to love who you want and you can't do something cause you're a woman.
I think you can and its perfectly fine to.