Well I'm on the warpath and fast tracking towards my world traveling dream. Been working two jobs and trying to fit in a third. Set up a separate account to put my tips and not touch it. Setup a budget and a certain amount to put away each check but also still be able to handle bills and live comfortably. Studying ways to work and different boarding options. Marking maps everyday and setting up a plan to head out. August 2017 needs to come faster! I just so anxious for this trip to happen! Especially a cool thing, we found where my family began. Our ancestry began in Hanover, Germany. Can't wait to see what I'll find there and if I'll find some of my family. Curious thing what will they be like?
This is gonna be the most extraordinary thing I've ever done. I can thank this second chance and shot to live my dream to the simple things in my life. I guess this goes in hand with the blog topic a couple weeks back. What's the best day of your life so far? And honestly I don't have one. I've had many good days comprised of many little simple joys of life.
I've always said for my life; I don't want love, fortune, riches, I want the experience. I want to experience so grand that it's majestic and feeds the soul. I get this everyday in someway so I'm never discontent with my life. Majestic can be a lot of things like there's only been one so far that I enjoyed waking up to, kissing, and laughing with. Majestic in sharing a beer with friends after a long day, hearing a beautiful song, seeing a sunset, enjoying a home cooked meal. I can list for awhile all the simple things that have been so majestic to fuel me to get to my dream.
Guess the point here is, slow down, enjoy the simple things of life, that's gonna be the fuel to help you accomplish wonders. Am I perfect? No. Have I made mistakes? Many and probably will keep making them till I die. But it has been those simple moments that have kept my drive strong and steady.
Best day of my life? I haven't had it yet. Imagine it'll be me old and wrinkly, drinking a beer, enjoying a sight, smiling on all these simple moments in my life, then saying, "okay where to next?"
Have a great day everyone and enjoy the simple ☺️🤘🏻