The best picture of myself has to be this one...the karaoke party before I left California with my two best friends. Amazing how much has evolved over 12 years, the thing I most miss is that every mile I take from here to England is gonna be further from them.
Kris and I were the angry metal kids with perverted minds in high school. Well not perverted or too angry but definitely beautifully twisted and did a lot of crazy shit. Went to shows, drank shitty beer, chased women, and smoked his dad's cigars. We lost contact for a few years but got back in touch a year ago and shit we mellowed out. Think it was all the weed haha but shit, it's awesome to see that were both on a path after so long. We are men now and hopefully my dear friend meets me up in Germany at some point.
Gaby is probably the strongest woman I know. We partied hard back in the day all over SoCal. How I met her was in my buddy's garage with a bottle of whiskey to job for a cowboy. That'd pretty much been our life and helping eachother get laid each night.
It all changed when she had an accident. Scariest shit in my life my dudes, she fell off a six story building, and was in a coma for almost a month. It was a point that you didn't know if and how she'd wake up. She did with memory loss, the inability to walk, speech was off. Completely fucked but she's changed that, she pushes herself everyday, still in pain but keeps moving forward. She'll even push through it to walk on her own without her cane. That's fucking fire.
I have a lot of good pictures but this is the best after seeing that we were once wily kids and now we've come into our own. Standing on own but still great friends. Friendship that can still stick is the most precious thing in the world.
@rambo @lyxzen