How's it going my dudes? Well I'm behind in my blog homework but I think these last two topics work perfect together. I like using quotes to help boost others even sometimes myself. Someone else can always sum it up best whatever struggle we may be going through. This one is important...sometimes you may feel like you've taken too many wrong turns that there's no
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Whats going on my dudes?
Haven't updated my travel plans in awhile so since I'm sitting on my ass at work, figured I'd update!
Sitting at 393 days before I make my way to New York to fly to Ireland.
Well the map is all filled so its just getting all the savings built up.
And keeping fingers crossed that the Brexit doesnt completely fuck...
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It was always a definite. When I began planning my trip, Germany was always a point on my map, go anywhere else, but Germany is the absolute stop I have to take. Obvious reasons that my family and I have traced our roots all the way back to Hannover. But one event, has always caught my eye and attention that is Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest, the biggest...
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Think I'm gonna freewrite this week on the homework cause I love reading all these random facts about all of you! So well here's a bit on me!
1) I have a weird fear of airplanes.
I say weird fear because I'm planning a world trip which is gonna require me to fly. Also I'd have no problem with it if I got my pilot's
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I was up in flames this morning cause one of my friends posted something very distasteful against the cause of equality I'm passionate about.
Excuse the fuck out of me? Who are you to say a woman can't teach me of gods love!?!? How fucking dare you degrade a fellow human being to be insignificant to you!!! Were my thoughts exactly so I responded
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This is a public service announcement cause this is definitely something that has been raising an eyebrow for me here for awhile now.
It's seeming as if things have changed a bit.
There are a lot of hopefuls lately that are definitely blossoming; in pose, photography, location, active in groups, just complete bombshells!!! I look at some of these sets and automatically fall in love...
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June 24th, my birthday is here....well this last year was a rollercoaster ride to say the least.
Lost a lot but learned a lot.
I may not be surrounded by as much as I was last year
But well at least,I got a direction.
The compass points east and in over a year, I hope to be there. That'll be my wish if I blow...
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Not something I really want praise for but just an idea, especially in light of recent events.
I'm a Christmas nut, something about it just turns this sarcastic asshole into a jolly giant. I'd make brownies for friends, orchestrate caroling with friends, go to many ugly sweater parties, decorate my car, eggnog,...yeah I fucking love Christmas. Last year was a bit different though and I'd...
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