Time to close out another week. What happens if we are able to colonize a planet that takes much less or much more time to spin around its own axis? Will we come up with new ways of measuring time instead of using weeks and months? Will we keep the words, but change the amount of time that defines them? Isn't the week something that came into being with religion? Although, by now, it's more associated with working versus being off work.

I saw an article this week. A man in his 50s was found dead in his flat in Stockholm. He'd been dead for 2 years and the only reason that they found him was that they needed access to his flat in order to do some repairs on the house. The very very short article described him as unemployed and very lonely without family or friends in Sweden. Reading that made me very sad and I wonder how he spent his days and what he was thinking about. There's a huge difference, at least in my book, between being alone and being lonely. I like being alone for a day, shutting out unwanted sounds. I believe that I'm more comfortable being alone for longer periods of time than most people, but I realize that I also have my limits and I really do appreciate having friends to socialize with. So I do wonder what that man felt, did he feel lonely or was he just alone?

I must admit that the article also made me think about my own situation in terms of recently becoming single. It might sound drastic and like I'm overreacting, but again, I'm a person who's very comfortable with living alone, and it makes me think about whether or not I want or would enjoy sharing a home with someone. So I'm pondering if I could be living alone when I'm 50, and if I would be okay with that. We'll see.

So I'm about to start my last week at my current job next week. It's indeed a shame. I wish I could've stayed, but I will do the best I can with facing this situation. It truly is a possibility, and it's gonna be interesting to see where the chips may fall. A lot has changed in the recent couple of months. Overall, I'm feeling much better about myself than I have in a long time, so I'm looking forward to a pleasant summer.
"This is gonna be my time. Time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down my chin. I proclaim this: The Summer of George!"

Be well.

I saw an article this week. A man in his 50s was found dead in his flat in Stockholm. He'd been dead for 2 years and the only reason that they found him was that they needed access to his flat in order to do some repairs on the house. The very very short article described him as unemployed and very lonely without family or friends in Sweden. Reading that made me very sad and I wonder how he spent his days and what he was thinking about. There's a huge difference, at least in my book, between being alone and being lonely. I like being alone for a day, shutting out unwanted sounds. I believe that I'm more comfortable being alone for longer periods of time than most people, but I realize that I also have my limits and I really do appreciate having friends to socialize with. So I do wonder what that man felt, did he feel lonely or was he just alone?

I must admit that the article also made me think about my own situation in terms of recently becoming single. It might sound drastic and like I'm overreacting, but again, I'm a person who's very comfortable with living alone, and it makes me think about whether or not I want or would enjoy sharing a home with someone. So I'm pondering if I could be living alone when I'm 50, and if I would be okay with that. We'll see.

So I'm about to start my last week at my current job next week. It's indeed a shame. I wish I could've stayed, but I will do the best I can with facing this situation. It truly is a possibility, and it's gonna be interesting to see where the chips may fall. A lot has changed in the recent couple of months. Overall, I'm feeling much better about myself than I have in a long time, so I'm looking forward to a pleasant summer.
"This is gonna be my time. Time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down my chin. I proclaim this: The Summer of George!"

Be well.