Time to close out another week. What happens if we are able to colonize a planet that takes much less or much more time to spin around its own axis? Will we come up with new ways of measuring time instead of using weeks and months? Will we keep the words, but change the amount of time that defines them? Isn't the week something that...
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I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to give a definitive opinion on envy. Positive or negative, I don't know. I believe it's highly situational and can probably work as a motivator in some cases, for some people. My point is, I find myself envious of people who've managed to fully figure out what they want to make of themselves as far as a professional...
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Strange coming back to this site and finding old posts. Some things change, some don't. I think this has the possibility of being a good thing.
happy birthday!!!
Spent a week back home at the parents place. Mom had an old friend visiting. Got to meet friends and enjoy some fishing. All good right? On sunday evening my mom fell in the stairs taking a blow to the back of her head. Drove them all into the emergency. A minor concussion and 7 stitches. Got back at 2.30 the same night. She felt...
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The jig is up. The curtain has been pulled for all to see the craziness that goes on behind it.
Nordic Quack. Sweden's bizarre tradition of watching Donald Duck cartoons on Christmas Eve.
Nordic Quack. Sweden's bizarre tradition of watching Donald Duck cartoons on Christmas Eve.
Ah yes, Depeche Mode. 2010 is shaping up in order for me to say "it was a very good year"
Interview finished. Hope to muster the energy to write the five pages required on it today.
Have a comparative analysis to do until friday. Also five pages.
Have a home-exam to do on international and transnational politics that is due on thursday. Ca twentyfive pages.
On the monday after that I start work on my second year paper. I'm gonna tear the caucus system a...
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Have a comparative analysis to do until friday. Also five pages.
Have a home-exam to do on international and transnational politics that is due on thursday. Ca twentyfive pages.
On the monday after that I start work on my second year paper. I'm gonna tear the caucus system a...
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