This sucks! I only have 5 days to enjoy my summer before it is essentially over.
On Aug.8th I will be getting a PICC line I.V. put in my arm that has to stay there for 8 weeks so I can give myself antibiotics everyday for Lyme disease. I can't drink , not alot of sun , and no crazy partys.
I am so tired of being sick and sick of being tired....
Oh well.. enough venting.. I hope all you wonderful people are doing alot better than me...
Big hugs and kiss noises
i lost afriend to lymes...long depressing story....however...you can still get laid tho right??? if so alls not so bad...i think IVs are SEXY.
wierd...i'm on those antibiotics right now...don't mean to be a creep, you were a match of mine...thought i'd say hello