OMGosh I'm leaving this Thursday for Washington!!! and I still have yet to pack o.O. *gets on that right now*
Have a good time!
never been. have fun!
Oh lord it is so boring being me.. I need more friends -_-
Got back from the anime convention today. It was fun, spent a lot of money, took a few pictures, got my car booted (fuck those guys), and got hit on in an elevator 5:30 in the morning by a guy, lol.

All-in-All an interesting weekend. smile
Oh lord.. I just got myself a Twitter... wonder if I will actually use this, unlike Facebook xP.

woooo ty for letting me add you!
WWE Hall of Fame tonight... Wrestlemania tomorrow... GREAT WEEKEND!!!!
Pictures?! biggrin
Sadly, at Hall of Fame the venue had a rule on length of lenses and I had to take my camera back to the car frown
I hate, hate, HATE, being single.. So why is it thats what I always am? lol
....because your silent maybe? Idk..lol. hello, regardless!
So, watchmen was good... A little too much blue penis for my taste though tongue

I saw Jon Lajoie (youtube him if you have never heard of him), I was not disappointed in the least, it was badass.... yep thats about all thats new with me, boring huh? :p
The next few months I have a lot to look forward to.

This month there is the Watchmen that is coming out, which i will see the midnight premiere of. I am also going to see a comedian by the name of Jon Lajoie (search him on YouTube) on the 18th.

April I am going to the WWE Hall of Fame, sadly I did not...
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I'm glad that 2009 is shaping up well for you smile
Hanging in there wink
So I was walking in the mall earlier, trying to find semi-cheap gifts for co-workers. I Didn't want to go over 10 and for the name I drew for Secret santa I didn't want to go over 20. Well all that went to hell, ESPECIALLY with my Secret Santa person.

You know the people in the mall, that have a little table in the middle?...
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dude mall kiosks r deathtraps. i NEVER stop at em. no matter how cute the girl or awesome the accent. recently there was a super hot girl workin 1 with amazingly long hair...i walked by and before she said a word i go "you are absolutely gorgeous and i love your hair" she was so stunned before she could recoop and try to sell me, i was minutes past her table haha.
Well officially single again.. *le sigh* I absolutely hate breaking up with people, i'm too soft hearted, lol. I think i shall stay single for a long time this time around.
Awwww frown
I'm sorry hon
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, time to see our loved ones and stuff our faces :-D.