From me to you all. Here's a valentine for the ladies I admire here on SG and to really, everyone else too naturally!
So, here's one track for all of you to vibe with. It's a well known one and I'm not really showing anyone anything new, at least I hope. Anyway, from their 1998 album, Adore, I give you the track "Ava Adore" by (would it really be anyone else on this day from me??) The Smashing Pumpkins. Enjoy. Below a little shout out after.
Happy Valentine's Day: @headshot @olgakulaga @alexislust @haub @bluenicorn @rare @doncella @brisen @solostella @gnomi @lanaisonfire @jadestone @starry @helainked @akiramai @dicentra @samihain
Honorable dude mentions: @fredhincanada @richsquared @jecht @zweitesich @skisby @weedfarmer @bob_dylan
There we go. Have a good rest of the day/evening everyone. See you as soon as I am able. Probably on the other side of the weekend. Love ya all. Seriously.