This blog post is thanks to @dicentra and her initial question: "What does SG mean to you" so please head on over and grab the questions (or least tag her if you get them from here or another user) and answer! This is something you should all want to participate in give the site and why you're here! Now then, let's go!
1. What made you want to join SG?
Well, let's be honest fully yeah? It was initially when I found out about it, the gorgeous women of SG of course! But over time (like immediately almost) I saw the community and the warmth that many provided even to new members and I was very pleased by this. It was very different from many others places on the internet.
2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?
Ahh, well I use it as most of you know for many things! I used to be very active in the community groups but now not so much due to factors in my current life. But I do use it for inspiration, networking for my music and other people's artistic endeavors (seriously, if you want to collab or do mixed media type things, I'm down), geeking out with others about film, TV, gaming (in its many formats), discussions and overall enjoyment of the pinup model aesthetic that the lovely ladies of the site work tirelessly on to make us all very happy!
3. How much does SG mean to you?
This is going to sound maybe a bit weird to some (hopefully not many though lol) but, SG means a lot to me in many ways. Without this site, I can definitely say that there are a few times so far that I wouldn't be in existence if it wasn't for people I've met here. That's true and I can't deny it. Other things it means to me are best described in a list of words: Exceptional, artistic, loving, free spirited, innovative, friendly, warm, beautiful, close knit, accepting and wonderfully strange!
It also means in my heart and mind the many wonderful people and friends I've made here along my journey. This account has been mine for a long time. Check the day of creation lol. Also, before this account I had another for a amount of years too and it was the same name, just without the X on the end. I can say that from way back when, this site always had my interests and the interests of so many more people in mind and it continues to be that and do so. Whether it's the site itself or the plethora of unique and special people that make interactions here truly an awesome thing to engage in. I feel more whole because of certain folks here and I'd never want to stop knowing them all. They're all great people.
4. How can you be more involved in the community?
Getting back to how involved an even more than I was before is going to be a bit of a journey as I've been working much more on my music and other things. The recent US election wasn't very "mood productive" either if you ask me and I struggle daily with the idea of my country being a fucking worldwide, recognized disaster but, I'm getting past it in my own ways. In how I can be more involved, it would be getting back to community groups I've been unable to engage in that I love, being able to have more time to find new people to support on site (members, models, hopefuls and photographers) and also being able to just do what I continue to do already when time allows but, on a much more frequent scale!
5. What would you like to see change?
There aren't really things I'd like to see change per se, but rather things I would love to see stay the same. The community here, no matter what anyone thinks, is a vibrant and active place. I'd say if anything, keep on doing this everyone! We've got to keep the community together and be happy/proud of what the site and many people here have achieved. It's a beautiful thing and we should all celebrate that one the regular or when we can!
6. What are the things that make you want to stay?
The people, the artistic work of everyone and the friends I've made. Seriously, I love each and every one of you that I've had the pleasure to meet here and many that I haven't as well! This is a great place, I'll be here for a very, very long time and you should be too!
7. What content would you want to see more of?
The content to me is pretty damned good and I like all of what you can do here. As for more of? Well, I'll leave that to others with the ideas about that but I'll say, keep on producing the content (everyone) that you like and you're bound to have people that are into it and will come by to check it out! That's my two cents on the matter.
8. How likely are you to come back once your subscription runs out? (For people who do pay, obviously.)
Mine is constantly on resub so me coming back is not highly likely, it's a guarantee lol.
@dicentra thank you for the mention and I skimmed others you tagged to answer I'll tag a few right now too but only that as I think you got everyone I'd have tagged. You're an awesome person and I love the truly inspiring dedication you have to making sure the community here is a happy and lively one full of interactions and love for one another. We're really blessed to have you and I thank you implicitly as well as many other wonderful people here! You all matter to me, you're all valid and lovely and I am always in your respective corner!
@bluenicorn @rare @haub @jecht @avecalluna @brisen @bob_dylan @boozenblood (everyone else, I think was tagged but if not and you come by my page please do this too!)
Everyone, I love you and I'm glad to know each and every one of you!

@silentobjectorx Doing fine bro, trying not to freeze in Kentucky! Yes my friend I did the Q&A you can find my answers on my page.

@weedfarmer sweet! I'll head over there in a minute man! Yeah, freezing my ass off here in Illinois too bro! I feel your pain!