There's more to that sentence but I'll save it for one of the tracks I post here since it's their line.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out when and why certain things happen or if they matter in the first place. Now, I know some of them do and then, there are some things I couldn't care less about. If it invokes my "bad side" I assure those that wonder, I'll burn every bridge between me and those things/ideas/attitudes down. I am what I've always been and that will change from time to time sure. But, and I can't stress this enough (thank you to everyone reading this by the way, I needed to vent someplace away from others out in the world), if I feel like something or someone is threatening my mental health and or physical well being, I'll dash that relationship or idea against the metaphorical rocks and leave it to rot. I know, that sounds awful, I'm sure. But, it's not really. As those of you that talk to me know, I'm very amicable and will give you any and everything I have to give when I can. I need to ask you, my friends here this because I know you're supportive of me and that query is: If I've given everything I can at the current moment in time and been nothing but kind... How is it someone can decide that it's "not enough" for them and, find some way to hold me "accountable" in whatever fucked up way they deem fit? And the best part of it is that it's never "fitting." At any rate, sorry. This was a block of text and I have things I need to and want to do tonight. So, here's some bitter tracks from a few of my favorite acts that can be acerbic at best and downright "I call it like I see it" artists. Bear with me and then I'm gone.
Three rapid fire tracks coming from TOOL right here. All from 1996's monumental album AEnima (go figure) then, one from 10,000 Days too. Here's the three from AEnima first and the first track is "Eulogy" and I'll say enjoy if you get where I'm coming from. But, enjoy either way if you can.
Up next (with lyrics yay!) "Hooker With A Penis" and here you go.
Final one from this album, "AEnima" the title track again, with lyrics, enjoy. You see where I'm going with all this yeah?
From another killer album by TOOL, 10,000 Days, I give you "The Pot" with lyrics in English and Spanish. Enjoy.
From another band involving Maynard. Here's two from A Perfect Circle, Billy Howerdel's amazing project. Both tracks will be coming from Mer De Noms. I adore the sentiments on that album. And up first, "Judith" so try to enjoy.
The other, "3 Libras" of course. I'm on this train of angst and sadness now, might as well ride it out the door yeah? Enjoy.
From the wilds of New York City, a special duo to me, The Ropes. Here's the title track from their 2010 EP "Love Is A Chain Store" and the lyrics aren't included this time. I think you can find them easy obviously. Here you go and there's one or two more. Then, I'm gone. I promise (thank you again, seriously everyone).
From the California phenoms, The Bronx, off their third album The Bronx (III), here's "Young Bloods" enjoy.
Lastly, from his 2004 show stopper album, Nino Rojo, Devendra Banhart with "At The Hop."
I'd like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Sincerely. This isn't directed (my mood) at anyone I know from here I assure you of that fact. Please know that fully. I was happy when I logged in, answered some PMs from people here and I got a text from someone here in Chicago that literally just changed my mood. "Flipped the switch" as it were. Anyway, have a great night and weekend all of you. You mean more than you'll ever know. That goes for those of you that will see this, and those of you that won't for whatever reason as well. You're all stellar people and that's why I choose to engage with you here and support you in turn as best I can. I'm sorry on my end if it doesn't feel that way sometimes. I assure you that you all matter immensely to me. Take that on whatever level you need and/or wish to. I love you all most certainly. Bye for now. Things need doing and I can't spend any longer trying to vent the insanity that person pumped into my brain. Much love to you all.