1. Tell us about one of your favorite songs of all time.
Okay, so ONE of my favorite songs of all time would have to be "Thirty-Three" by The Smashing Pumpkins. As many know, I'm a HUGE Smashing Pumpkins fan and I obsess over many of their tracks. "Thirty-Three" just happens to be a mix of sad and nostalgia for me. Even when the track first came out, there was this "manufactured nostalgia" present and it always blew me away as to how that worked into my head during my first listen and every listen after that until this exact moment in time. The video only enhanced that feeling. Here it is. I'm sure you all know it but it you don't (or you do), enjoy. It is a real gut punch for me but a welcome gut punch if that makes any sense to any of you.
2. What is a piece of art that you have, or would love to have, hanging on your wall or sitting in your house?
So, my favorite piece of art comes from Salvador Dali and he's in my top 3 favorite artists as well. The piece I'm talking about is his devastating piece, The Discovery Of America by Christopher Columbus. It's a monstrous but fair depiction of what kind of awful shit Columbus did upon coming to the islands off the cost of the US. A true nightmare and it pulls no punches. I'd very much love to have that massive painting on one of my walls but only the original lol. That, unfortunately is only on display at the small museum of his in Tampa, Florida. That painting is responsible for most of the people that go to the Tampa museum but all of his work is superb none the less.
3. One of your comfort movies/series that you have seen more than 3 times.
Shit... So, this is a weird one for me because most of my "comfort" movies are literally either horror, sci-fi or super depressing dramas. I'd go with either Hellraiser (LOL I told you), The Virgin Suicides (another distressing pick lol) or Scanners (the nightmares just keep on coming lol).
4. A video game that you have spent the most of hours playing.
Well now. This would be a tie (kinda) but that honor would go to the Street Fighter series (all of them) and the Call of Duty series (most all of them). Aside from those two series, the others would be Final Fantasy series (all of them including the MMO ones) and the Diablo series. Four is actually pretty damned good now by the way! I have a killer necromancer with a brutal undead minions build named Razex but, that's neither here nor there lol. But the big one(s) would be Street Fighter and Call of Duty for real.
5. A book or book series that you love.
The H.P. Lovecraft series of stories that deal with Cthulhu and the other Great Old Ones. Hands down amazing stories. The others would be Poe's complete works poetry and short stories, The Dark Tower books by Stephen King. I'm also super fond of Jack Kerouac in every facet of his written word. Poems, books, novellas, all of it. A true titan in his realm.
6. Tell us a joke that cracks you up, or share a meme that always makes you laugh.
Let's do a meme. The "Why You Always Lying" track and dude lol. Here's the short one.
7. What is one of your favorite simple meals from your childhood that you still love today?
Simple? Easy one then. It would be spaghetti, meatballs and Italian sausage. Both sides of my family are Italian mainly so I grew up eating a ton of Italian stuff. Another would be Eggplant Parmigiana. Very good as well!
**Potential replacement question to sub in**: Tell us about something you have created that you love.
I'll do the potential replacement as well because A, I am proud of it and B, I benefit from this one and so does anyone that likes heavy and or, ambient electronic music. I make both as a lot of you know. So, head over to Sound Cloud and in a few days, my solo project, Auto Nix, is finally released on Spotify and on all streaming and buying platforms. All of it is at www.soundcloud.com/narcotic-puppeteers and yeah, I am proud of it because primarily I make the music for me. The ability to share it is just a bonus that I also enjoy. I hope you like it if you check it out for the first time. I'm also grateful to all of you that have and continue to play my tracks. You all rock.
And, that's all. I'm just getting back from being sick, feeling a bit better, back into full on sick again. I'm finally getting over that thankfully and I'm regaining my bearings in the "outside world" again. It sucks, getting slammed by a session of awful sickness and then having to resurface weeks later. It truly sucked. Anyway, I hope you've all been well. I've missed a lot of you, I hope you missed me! @fredhincanada thanks for the nomination man. I appreciate it and you dude. Hope you've been well man! That goes for all of you too. Talk to you all again soon.
Hellraiser for comfort? Alrighty then 😳🤣
@skisby yeah... It's a weird one, I stipulated that lol.