Like the phoenix of legend, I have risen from the ashes of withdrawal and come out the other side better for it once again! Who said withdrawal is that hard? I get it, some can't go through it without help and I'm not minimizing it really, just having fun with the fact that three fucking days and I'm outta the woods on this bullshit hahaha. I love it. Now I'm sipping an iced chai latte and the smell of food doesn't want to make me fucking wretch up lol. So we all good again! Bring on the parties this week and let the night be my guide into the partyverse once again!
World news fucking sucks. I'm freaked out about the whole thing that Putin is doing. The craziness in the South East of the US with Hurricane Ian, the insanity that is the "orange moron" that we had as a fucking president and his illegal activities and so much more. All I did for three days was doom scroll Twitter and be sick in bed. Fuck that! I'm done with that shit for now. Bring on the night lights and the parties!! So with that, let's get into the week right with a jam shall we?
From James Murphy's record label DFA (Death From Above), the project The Juan MacLean and their 2005 album Less Than Human, the jam that is "Give Me Every Little Thing." A true "get down" to bump all other "get downs" to the side for a moment! Enjoy, blast your face off. Have a laugh, a drink, a smoke and a dance on me! Tip the glasses back and light the cone joints, we're coming out swinging tonight! Sunday equals fun day tonight for me! Tty all very soon hopefully! I've been missing you all I swear! Love ya SG fam and keep it classy but ratchet at the same time! You feelin' that? I hope so!! <3 <3