If you've ever wondered why my girlfriend beats me and why I put up with it, I'm about to illustrate.

It's all my fault.

I'm a bit of an asshole when it comes to my way of thinking. I'm middle of the road on politics while my girlfriend is a complete left wing liberal. We find common ground where we can but at times can't...
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I've decided that Wal-Mart is hell. Follow me on this.

If hell actually exists on earth, and I think that perhaps it does, this corporate conglomerate that has overtaken every town and city in America has to be the North American branch of Hades. Where else can you go someplace where you have convinced yourself that you NEED the cheap shit they sell, will drive...
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It is my birthday.

I have spent another year in my body, on this planet.

I do not feel older.

I do not feel wiser.

I do feel ready.

It is time.

What will come will come. I am ready to risk.

I will risk everything and hope for success.

If I succeed, I will no longer live a lie.

I will be who I...
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So I have this daily routine durning the week. I get up, drink a protein shake and walk the 4 blocks to my local recreation center. I do 30 min or so on the weights, then I walk the track at the nearby park for a half mile or so and then walk back home.

Today, as I am walking the track, I look down...
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If I refuase to tell you my real name, it sure is. Works better that way for tax purposes.

I've always kind of wanted a stalker. Only a cute girl one though. No fat ladies or who just have nothing better to do. Let me know when you're done with yours and we'll make an exchange over eBay.
If wishes were fishes we'd all have full dishes and if they were horses then beggars would ride. But on a birthday when a wish is officious the lips of the wisher get their chosen desire. Happy birthday! Hope you can blow the stalker out along with the candles.
Lately, I feel a bit like I am the world's test dummy. Except instead of crashing cars, they practice prison fucking. I am the world's ass rape test dummy.

At least I know where I stand.

I'm not going to go into all the details, but I have never had my life torn quite this far apart before. It is an interesting experience.

Now I...
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the photos wont actually look like that. was was taken from an iphone, but i actually love the quality of it also. and THANK YOU so much on your response on my statement.
Man quote from Boondock saints 2:

Men build things, then we die, It's in our fucking DNA. THATS WHAT WE DO... and when it all falls down, we build it right back up again, but this time bigger, better. Look, just look what we can do. Look how fucking beautiful we are. Do you think that men that built all this had it easy? Hard...
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Though I did like that shpeel in Boondock Saints 2, I'm really sorry it was ever made. And damn you must have had to listen to it a few times to get all that down. Well done. Or have done an IMDB quote search I guess...
Though I loved the dialogue/monologues in a straight-forward punchline sense, it seemed to me like every character was written almost precisely the same and then played by people who chose different accents. Basically it seemed like Duffy talking to himself the entire time which is good for one or two characters but not so much for two dozen. He is a master of the curse word though, I'll give him that.
Bitch won't leave me alone.

I usually refrain from calling any female a bitch, but I have reached my limit with my ex-girlfriend and am left with no alternative but to use socially unacceptable wordage to vent my frustration. (I'm sure any feminists that are reading this are sharpening their castration knives now. Oh well...)

Fucking BITCH.

Last night, at 2 in the morning, I...
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Ladies, if you're ... sharpening your knives feel free... Just be kind and use a local please.

Now that makes for a good line in a poem

As per the video: Scripts? They don't NEED no stinking scripts! But seriously, that's pretty much how it went: told them to make scripts for themselves or give me an outline from which I could write and they more or less refused on the basis that the bearded guy doesn't like to use such things.
Splitting headache. Ugh, I have so much to do today... this is not how I wanted to start my morning. I'm going to the gym, maybe I can sweat this out.
Almost nailed it, kind of a combination of on the web and gathering investors. I'm posting the general audience one now but there are 5 or 6 intros/outtros made for some specific people of interest. If I'm lucky it will be an okay portfolio piece but as it looks from my eye (as you are surely by now familiar, I'm highly critical of mine and others' creative works to the point of irritation) it's public television fodder. It's ALMOST as good as it could have been, though, seeing as there was no trained talent involved but I admittedly made more than a couple mistakes of my own.
and voila! It's a-blogging.
Next song in the acoustic series is up on YouTube. Check out the stripped back version of my song, 28 Days here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNtndm3m3so
I really like the irony involved in the "longest month of the year" as well as the title itself. You should try to ride a little more with that if you can. Cliches work (that's why they become cliches) but i personally don't see much original spin on a classic cliche in this case. Use contradiction and humor to your advantage rather than simple sentiment; just involve the sentiment in the overall theme or create a more direct story/timeline regarding the relationship between the month and the lady story possibly ala "Every Day I Write the Book" sort of thing. But as always, death to critics when the art is how it's supposed to be. I'm just a huge fan of punchlines, puns and voltas so I look for them in practically everything.
Next song in the acoustic series is up on YouTube. Check out the stripped back version of my song, Complicated here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pRyr8Xg9OA
thank you for leaving an actual comment. You hit it right on the nose sir smile
Fuck fuck FUCK! I spent hours and hours last night trying to get a decent take of the song I was recording for video and ended up with zilch! F M L! I should have known better than to try to get anything usable last night anyways, my voice was shot from rehearsals plus the migraine that I had earlier yesterday didn't help. But I...
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Why oh why does my body only let me sleep for 6 hours a night? I would really like a solid 8 at some point...

I've been up since 3 am prepping to record all day. I've got two videos to cut and edit for youtube before the end of the day and I have to take a break at 7 to hit the gym...
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I'm a fan of the rhythm and rhyme, especially since it's fairly subtle and not in-your-face verse.