I miss running. First my knee got messed up, and I had to take about a week off to let it recover(pre-existing issue got aggravated).
Then the weather this last week has been like... has been like living in the armpit of a giant or something. 90-100 degree weather, along with high humidity when the norm this time of year is about 80. It's been...
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Then the weather this last week has been like... has been like living in the armpit of a giant or something. 90-100 degree weather, along with high humidity when the norm this time of year is about 80. It's been...
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Is there anyway to wipe out my old Profile pics like a fresh start?
Or do I just have to upload all new ones to get rid of them.
Or do I just have to upload all new ones to get rid of them.
Crap its been over a year.
Stuff kept coming up that I couldn't renew my account.
I swear I was to the point of thinking of hoarding change to get it back.
I've been busy, busy indeed xP
Stuff kept coming up that I couldn't renew my account.
I swear I was to the point of thinking of hoarding change to get it back.
I've been busy, busy indeed xP
So it's likely not the best idea... but I'm debating getting drunk tonight.

Welcome back.

grats honey i knew it was going to happen sooner or later i wish you guys the best of luck but i know you dont need it
Wow, congrats!
Think Bush should be Impeached?
sign the petition an pass it on. Hey, since it's Kucinich and all, for once I'm all for signing since it's not one of those generic online petitions.
Thought I'd share for those interested.
ARTICLE HERE: http://current.com/items/89077160_kucinich_s_4th_of_july_impeachment_message
sign the petition an pass it on. Hey, since it's Kucinich and all, for once I'm all for signing since it's not one of those generic online petitions.
Thought I'd share for those interested.
ARTICLE HERE: http://current.com/items/89077160_kucinich_s_4th_of_july_impeachment_message
Drama wise, the shit seems to have offically hit the fan.
I'm not entirely sure how all it's going to go but I'm hoping I
can duck and cover to the best of my ability. Sadly the person
that is the source of this is a drama queen. I can best describe
him as the negative steroetype of a woman.
I would love nothing more...
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I'm not entirely sure how all it's going to go but I'm hoping I
can duck and cover to the best of my ability. Sadly the person
that is the source of this is a drama queen. I can best describe
him as the negative steroetype of a woman.
I would love nothing more...
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Lately I've been so tired. Like not feel good tired. I went into the doctors
a bit ago and had ear infections. I got meds for it, but I don't think it entirely
cleared up and is back again. I really don't want to go back and have to pay
another co-pay damnit.
Today is just entirely blah, and tonight I have a test.
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a bit ago and had ear infections. I got meds for it, but I don't think it entirely
cleared up and is back again. I really don't want to go back and have to pay
another co-pay damnit.
Today is just entirely blah, and tonight I have a test.
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My tummy hurts but I'm also hungry.

There's a new show on discovery channel - Smash Lab.
They basically smash the crap out of all sorts of things or blow them up. I'm thinking I'll have another fun show to watch. Yes, this is the kind of science nerd I am... "hey you mix those and it goes boom? SWEET!"
It's really a wonder that I don't work with explosives or something....
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They basically smash the crap out of all sorts of things or blow them up. I'm thinking I'll have another fun show to watch. Yes, this is the kind of science nerd I am... "hey you mix those and it goes boom? SWEET!"
It's really a wonder that I don't work with explosives or something....
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And yes, yoga is really cool. Does your center teach you a practice that you can do at home so you don't have to go in every day?