Random work talk:
Asshat - "When will scientists create robot women?"
Silent - "Your kidding right?"
Asshat - "It would be great, they would have to do what you asked, they'd have no opinion, and would be totally loyal."
Silent - "Your a fsckin moron you know that."
Asshat - "What? Its true."
Silent - -"Ignoring you the day you were hired, now go stick your head in the bailer, it might releive some of the internal thoughts you seem to be having as of late. And rid me of your asshattery."
Asshat - "When will scientists create robot women?"
Silent - "Your kidding right?"
Asshat - "It would be great, they would have to do what you asked, they'd have no opinion, and would be totally loyal."
Silent - "Your a fsckin moron you know that."
Asshat - "What? Its true."
Silent - -"Ignoring you the day you were hired, now go stick your head in the bailer, it might releive some of the internal thoughts you seem to be having as of late. And rid me of your asshattery."