Friday. The evening started out shitty considerding I had to work till 10:42 pm. After being freed from work, I went home and showered. Called a cab. Cab arrived five minutes after I called. Sweet. But the cab guy was an old fuckin' dickhead. I could tell he hated my long haired hippy ass! Ha Ha. I tried to give the guy a decent tip,...
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Damn, why is it so hard to fall asleep? Just close the eyes and drift off to unconciousness... Nope, not me. I need that glowing luna butterfly on the sleeping pill commercial to pay me a visit. I sleep, but it's never at a time that I find convenient. Ah, what can you do? Look at naked girls on the internet? Ha Ha! Maybe that's...
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Hipsters are spilling out of your local coffee shops to a bar near you, be careful! They will try to drag you into their psuedo-cool lingo and hair...Look away from the bright colors, I repeat, look away!
You should poke Keisha in the eye, she attacked me once on that booth back by the bathrooms while I was on the phone and i haven't been the same since, my ninja skills weren't honed very well then I suppose.
greasy blood might be why you can't sleep, geez, that's gross.
I decided to mow the lawn today. Good day to do so. The last couple of days have been really nice as far as the weather goes.

Yesterday, I drove around to look for a house or an apartment to rent. I didn't find anything that interested me. But I did see a girl on bicycle scream at someone in car to, "Slow the fuck...
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Yay, am I the first to comment on your journal? I feel so privelaged, hehe.
I used to be like that girl on the bike, headstrong, with balls,that was when I was 10, now I'm an "adult" and for some reason can't do things like that, oh the terrible things that happen to us when we get "old".
I have a problem with throwing things away sometimes too, I'll always think "i bet I'll use this"...but when I finally give in and get rid of my junk I feel so much better.
did you get caught up in that stupid fight on the corner of south and walnut last night? it always cracks me up to see drunk sorority girls in high heels walk into the middle of a fight because they're not payign attention and then freak out because they can't get away because they are wearing the most ridiculous shoes...I think it's funny, but maybe I'm just evil.
I see you like to use the smiley faces
Jonathan Richman pics are under my music folder.

I have plans to look for an apartment tomorrow. I need more room! We'll see how that goes. I'm picky.

I want to play drums. I need new guitar strings.

Vacation in august. Then another in October.

Reality is boring. surreal

I am siamese if you don't please.

Happy Fourth of July!

love love love love love
This Wednesday through Sunday 2pm to 12 am work schedule is for the birds. Absolute bullshit. Not much longer. I need my life back. Well, I didn't have much of one in the first place. I'm working 7 am to 9 pm on monday. I'll get friday off. No shows going on that I know of. Figures.

Need a drummer. I don't think Frederick is...
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Don't wait until later to pursue your dreams and desires. Mrs. Terry, one of my middle school teachers, was killed in a car accident last weekend. Unexpected death is always tragic, but what made this more tragic was that she was set to retire this week. The article in the paper said that she and her family had made plans to visit England next summer....
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flpp surreal tongue
Polli is the best! My one and only SG friend!

I was bored today. So what does a bored person who lives in Springfield, Mo do? Go to the mall!!! Ha Ha! I don't know why, but I decided to go to the mall. I need a new pair of shoes, so I thought the mall would be a reasonable place to start looking. I've...
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Frederick and I have committed to starting a band. He has a vacation coming up. On this vacation, he will go back to Tennessee to get his drums. We will then find a rehearsal space and proceed to rock the fuck out!! biggrin

Worked sucked today. About fifty times more than usual. A fight broke out. No punches were thrown. Just screaming and threatening. You got...
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yeah you were soooo nice, really i appreciate it a lot!! i'm reading it and enjoy it! thank you so much again. love, polli. kiss kiss kiss
Ummm...yeah. surreal