It's been a strange week. Recent events have lead me to believe that someone or something is watching over me. I also believe that this being has a wicked sense of humor and enjoys fucking with me.

Happy fuckin' new years!!!

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
Happy new year and thank you for the comment! bye!
Looking for a second job. Must leave as soon as possible. May? April?

surreal biggrin biggrin surreal
Good luck!

Comment on my blog! kiss
Damn, I've been taking lots of abuse lately. Just a few more months and all these idiots will be nothing more than a foggy memory. wink

Anxiety level rising due to holiday madness. I love it! It's too bad I don't get into the holiday spirit as much as everyone else. I'm more of a 'bah humbug' type person. Not this year. The reemergence of the snowflake lights cheered me up. If I had some money, I would have brought presents this year. Maybe next year. I tell people this and...
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i'm a werewolf

December. If I ever have kids, I'll name one of them December.

I'm trying to figure out what I'll be doing for New Year's Eve. Not sure. Downtown probably. Miller High Life's all night long. We'll see.

ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa

I got out of bed at 930am. Extremely early for me. Attempting to convert back into a day person. Living in 'Dark City' has grown wearisome for this boy. Ugh. My skin becomes extra sensitive if I don't get enough sleep. Hmmm...I wonder why that is?
I've been recording music on the 4track this past week. I start at 3am and play until 4am. Just...
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flanger. sleepy eyes. out of focus. smile. blue. gray. wet streets. dropped d. loop. wool. crooked glasses. confused confused suit and tie. record. shimmery. ooo aaa ooo aaa eternity. shake. sip. launch. down. small heart. robot robot fade. out. miao!! miao!!
mmmmmm bop! smile
This little phase of self destruction is officially over. Two months straight. I feel better now. It's kind of weird that I feel ok considering how much damage I did to myself a few nights ago. I won't go into details, but it was pretty bad. Nothing I haven't done before. It's just getting old. Not just partying, but the job, people, everything. I've been...
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