Damn, why is it so hard to fall asleep? Just close the eyes and drift off to unconciousness... Nope, not me. I need that glowing luna butterfly on the sleeping pill commercial to pay me a visit. I sleep, but it's never at a time that I find convenient. Ah, what can you do? Look at naked girls on the internet? Ha Ha! Maybe that's why I can't fall asleep?
My blood feels greasy. I need more water.
Buenos Noches,
My blood feels greasy. I need more water.
Buenos Noches,

You should poke Keisha in the eye, she attacked me once on that booth back by the bathrooms while I was on the phone and i haven't been the same since, my ninja skills weren't honed very well then I suppose.
greasy blood might be why you can't sleep, geez, that's gross.