I'll start off with something nice. You know what I would like to do? I would like to start a real world community consisting of nothing but people from this site. How cool would that be?! An SG town. Would that not be a fun place to live? I think it would be.
Ok, now for the negative stuff. Stop reading if you don't like bitching and moaning.
Fuck! I fucking hate the people I have to interact with on a daily basis! Inconsiderate, abusive, low life pieces of shit. I fucking hate them! How they've made this far in life is a total mystery to me. I hate, hate, HATE them! A bunch of it probably has to do with the part of the country I am in. Backwoods fucking Missouri. Missouri is a beautiful state, but the people here are a fucking embarrasment. Idiots. Yes, I know idiots are everywhere you go. I'm just tired of the fucking slugs I deal with in springshit. Racist, homophobic, inbred, ignorant, religious nuts.
"Some day a real rain is gonna come..." Travis Bickle.
I hope it drowns and washes all this shit away. From what I've been reading in the news, it doesn't sound like that rain is too far away.
Ok, enough negativity. Damn, that felt kinda good.
Ok, now for the negative stuff. Stop reading if you don't like bitching and moaning.
Fuck! I fucking hate the people I have to interact with on a daily basis! Inconsiderate, abusive, low life pieces of shit. I fucking hate them! How they've made this far in life is a total mystery to me. I hate, hate, HATE them! A bunch of it probably has to do with the part of the country I am in. Backwoods fucking Missouri. Missouri is a beautiful state, but the people here are a fucking embarrasment. Idiots. Yes, I know idiots are everywhere you go. I'm just tired of the fucking slugs I deal with in springshit. Racist, homophobic, inbred, ignorant, religious nuts.
"Some day a real rain is gonna come..." Travis Bickle.
I hope it drowns and washes all this shit away. From what I've been reading in the news, it doesn't sound like that rain is too far away.
Ok, enough negativity. Damn, that felt kinda good.