Stars War III: Revenge of the Sith. Good movie. I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars. I was genuinley impressed. It was the darkest of the series and the most graphic. I wonder if the parents knew what they were taking their little kids to? The images that I saw on screen would have given me nightmares when I was child. I'm referring...
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Remember terraniums? I used to love making those things. Mine usually consisted of a jelly jar with dirt inside of it. I would hunt down bugs and throw them in the jar. June bugs, grub worms, beetles, whatever I could find or catch. I especially liked putting two different kinds of bugs together. I wanted to see if they would become friends or fight to...
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I met my girl...by the glass co(?)wall...
dirty old town....dirty old town....

Hmmm...tonight was............dot dot dot

a few more months

I watched ANOTHER STATE OF MIND for the fiftieth time. I love it.

I wish I had been born in 1930. New York.

I wish I had been born in 1967. Los Angeles.

I wish I had been born in 3010. Anywhere.

good night.

eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
I slept from 12am to 1pm. It was still a struggle to get out of bed. Going to watch a movie tonight. Then go drinking later.

surreal surreal surreal surreal
I want your soul.

I will begin looking for a new job tommorrow. I can't stand the restaurant anymore. It feels as if 75% of the people that work there hate me. The remaining 25% are indifferent towards me. I've been there five years. That's a long fucking time in this business. No one respects me. I've got fucking teenagers trying to talk down to...
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I'll start off with something nice. You know what I would like to do? I would like to start a real world community consisting of nothing but people from this site. How cool would that be?! An SG town. Would that not be a fun place to live? I think it would be.

Ok, now for the negative stuff. Stop reading if you don't like...
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I found the job I want in L.A. Writing stories for the almighty television! That's the dream job. I doubt I'll get it, but I'm going to try my best. Need to start working on television scripts to submit. I've been focused on writing for film so I've haven't been paying much attention to the television shows. It's seems like the only shows that are...
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Car bill--through the roof! Oh well, that's how it goes. I bought my ticket to see the White Stripes in St. Louis. It's at the Fox theater. The venue looks really nice. I've never been there. White Stripes and a new venue for me...fun and exiting!!! I wanted to see them in KC, too. But I can't afford it.

I've been thinking about the places...
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oh, that sucks but at least you have a car that won't break down.

Takin' the car to the shop. Ugh. I gotta get the brakes worked on. There goes a couple of paychecks.

This will force me to stay home and get some work done. So good.

Have a great day!

My fish died today. I hope he had a good life. I bought him from the pet store around three years ago. He was a plecostumus. An algaie sucker. I felt a strange comradry with him. smile He was a good guy. He was the only occupant of the tank. I hope he wasn't lonely. He didn't seem to be. Iloved it when he blinked at...
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I'm a fuckin' dick. People hate me. That' s ok. I hate em' back. Times ten. Fuckers. This week was awful. AWFUL. There is this little pool hall/bar across the street from my house. I will go there tommorow and get falling down drunk. I might even drink some whiskey. It's been that kind of a week. Fuck.

The likelyhood of that actually happening is...
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