In other news...

New pics are up!!! Hank III, Yo La Tengo, and Kittie pics are posted under my Music folder. Take a look! Plus, I have a few photos of my stay in New York last summer. I'm in the process of digitizing all my photos. I have more band and travel pics to post. I figured why let this stuff rot away in...
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Withdrawl is awful. That's what I've been going through the last couple of days. I am going to get another bottle of this stuff and then slowly ween myself off. Cold turkey is too difficult. Do research before going on medication. Don't trust your doctor. Go to other sources. My withdwrawl isn't too awful. I can tolerate it. But I've just found out that this...
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Shut the fuck up.
Life is full of regret.

My head is really screwed up. Coming off of medication is messing with me. I was on a couple of meds, but I recently stopped taking one. Then I switched pharmacies. I just started taking the pills from the new pharmacy a couple of days ago. I feel...fucked up. But not in a good way. It's really annoying. My ears...
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I turn 28 in about 12 minutes. Wow. 28. How time flies. Every time I blink ten years seems to pass. I'm kind of looking forward to my thirties. For awhile I was dreading it. I felt like I haven't done enough "twentysomething" stuff. Fuck it. I'm going to be cool thirty year old creep! Hopefully. Anyways...graduating from the university next week. Another milestone! I'll...
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Two more weeks and I'll be free! Save up some money and I'll be off to Los Angeles. biggrin
Oh, my head...slept two hours and then went to work. Short order cook. Ugh....today was a day from hell. I paid dearly for last night's dabuachery. .... time to sleep....more like time to coma.... surreal
I saw Loca H tonight. MaN, they were fucking good! drunk off my ass right now. more later, maybe. goodnight.............

I want another championship so bad...it HURTS!!!!

Ha Ha! tongue i luv ya!!
I decided to go to a show at the last minute tonight. It was Rise Against. They played at the rockwell. There were three opening bands, but I only got to see one of them play. Screamo stuff, but decent. They didn't cause me to go into a seizure or anything. But they look and sound like a million other bands I've seen in the...
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I want to see the albino alligator. It's name is Mr. Mellow. The aligator is ten feet long.

Wasn't there a movie called "Albino Alligator"? I think it stars Faye Dunawaye and....I can't remember his name. Lt. Dan...new CSI guy...damn it...

I'm watching One Flew Over the Cuckaoo's Nest right now. Man, I hate that Nurse Ratchet. I don't agree with her management style. I...
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