Oh you guys. So patient. So darling. Here's something that is (hopefully) a little more fulfilling than an automatic instagram post.
I've recently discovered a whole new meaning to busy. I work a day job full-time. I write full-time. I have a house and relationship to maintain. All this while making sure I keep three special cats happy. It's not easy, but I'll be damned if life doesn't feel like a dream right now.
(photo by @darryldarko)
Speaking of cats! The Stray Cat Alliance is hosting a calendar contest/fundraiser. Each entry vies for a spot in the upcoming Ravishing Rescues calendar and earns money for this awesome organization. Voting/donating ends July 28th, 2014 at 730 PST. Check out our friend Abb.
And for shits and giggles, my cat Borges.
I've recently signed my soul . . . err . . . paperwork to be an intern for Living Dead Magazine. I'm currently managing their Instagram and will soon be blogging on their website a few times a week. I'm super excited about this opportunity. I'll share more details about this when they become available. But in the meanwhile, be sure to follow their instagram. I promise to bring you babes and awesome horror posts.
I had a reading in Portland recently. I was invited to perform with Eraserhead Press for the second annual LitHop - a choose your own adventure style reading/pub crawl. There were 52 readers participating at a handful of locations on Alberta Street. Shit. Was. Awesome. I read a brand new story and apparently impressed the good folks at PDX Magazine. I'm working with an editor now to have what I read published in a future issue. Here are photos from that reading:
(me and Vince Kramer, author of the books Death Machines Of Death and Gigantic Death Worm)
(photo by Jeff Burk)
So this was made for my book. Artwork is done by Nick Gucker. And shirt is printed by Sam McCanna over at Skurvy Ink. For your very own There's No Happy Ending shirt, purchase here. (If you want this print on something other than a tshirt, let Sam know. He's always been super accommodating. I can't wait for my own tank and hoody to arrive. Shit yeah!)
There is one other thing that I would love to share with you guys, but until I get solid confirmation, I'll have you sit tight for now. I promise it'll be good though.
Things for my partner in crime are also going incredibly well. A sneak peak at an ongoing project he and his photographer friend Sasha Maslov have been working on was recently featured in The New Yorker and Vocativ. His book was also recently reviewed on Fangoria by New York Times bestselling author/editor/filmmaker and zombie godfather John Skipp. Michael has put in his time as a writer, and in the last year, everything started to happen, everything started to fall into place. I'm so incredibly proud of him.
Alright, a few more pictures shot by the fabulous @darryldarko.
Okay. I'm off to brew a fresh batch of coffee. So much reading and writing to get done.
There's No Happy Ending // Facebook // Tiffany Scandal Sucks // Instagram // Twatter