Dang. I suck at updating these days. But awesomeness ensues, I swear!

I just opened up my own Etsy Shop. There's not a whole lot there now, but more items will be coming soon (and more than just hair accessories).
I originally announced that I would hopefully open this shop around mid-september, but after a few very productive days, my "grand opening" came a little early. Now to see how this venture pans out
I am currently in the works of writing not one, not two, but FOUR bizarro fiction novellas. The first, I am hoping to submit to a handful of publishers by the end of October. If all goes well, yours truly will be one of very few women who have broken into that specific genre. I really am way too excited about all of this.
A little sage wisdom: If you believe in karma, worry only about your own.
About a month and a half ago, I was subject to some bullying by someone who I have happily ignored for well over a year. They told me that negative events happening in my life were the result of "karma biting (me) in the ass." While they also made negative remarks about my personal and romantic life, they also publicly berated me on a variety of social networking sites by taking my words out of context and twisting them around to inspire complete strangers to harass me. As frustrating as it was find myself in this situation, I simply told the person to drop the unnecessary negativity and try to enjoy the sunny day. I "walked away" from the situation, and left it as it was. Later, mutual friends spilled that serious negative shit happened to the person who bullied me. Hmmmm.
These bad boys are still in member review:

Whispers. Shot by P_mod.

Black Lodge. Shot by DarrylDarko.
My beautiful bestie Sweetheart recently got married. She really made the most beautiful bride. I was her maid of honor and the person who gave her away. Congratulations to her and her partner!

I love how photogenic she is. Now that the wedding is out of the way, on to prepare for the arrival of her first child. I get to be the godparent! Woo-hoo!
I have a lot of pictures that could be posted, but I really need to venture off to meet up with AtmosphericChaos for birthday celebrations.
Instagram: @rockpapersatan
NEW facebook

I just opened up my own Etsy Shop. There's not a whole lot there now, but more items will be coming soon (and more than just hair accessories).
I originally announced that I would hopefully open this shop around mid-september, but after a few very productive days, my "grand opening" came a little early. Now to see how this venture pans out

I am currently in the works of writing not one, not two, but FOUR bizarro fiction novellas. The first, I am hoping to submit to a handful of publishers by the end of October. If all goes well, yours truly will be one of very few women who have broken into that specific genre. I really am way too excited about all of this.
A little sage wisdom: If you believe in karma, worry only about your own.
About a month and a half ago, I was subject to some bullying by someone who I have happily ignored for well over a year. They told me that negative events happening in my life were the result of "karma biting (me) in the ass." While they also made negative remarks about my personal and romantic life, they also publicly berated me on a variety of social networking sites by taking my words out of context and twisting them around to inspire complete strangers to harass me. As frustrating as it was find myself in this situation, I simply told the person to drop the unnecessary negativity and try to enjoy the sunny day. I "walked away" from the situation, and left it as it was. Later, mutual friends spilled that serious negative shit happened to the person who bullied me. Hmmmm.
These bad boys are still in member review:

Whispers. Shot by P_mod.

Black Lodge. Shot by DarrylDarko.
My beautiful bestie Sweetheart recently got married. She really made the most beautiful bride. I was her maid of honor and the person who gave her away. Congratulations to her and her partner!

I love how photogenic she is. Now that the wedding is out of the way, on to prepare for the arrival of her first child. I get to be the godparent! Woo-hoo!
I have a lot of pictures that could be posted, but I really need to venture off to meet up with AtmosphericChaos for birthday celebrations.
Instagram: @rockpapersatan
NEW facebook

You compulsive writing oddity, you.
Huge believer in you too. Good luck with your shop.