Pussy Riot.
To keep up with the trial, pay attention to this.
This mural was cute, but made absolutely no sense. "These kids must've been on drugs," Lyxzen said. I love her.
follow me on instagram: @rockpapersatan
I had a celebration of sorts recently. Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to make me feel special and reminded me just how lucky I truly am. I love you guys!
In just a little over two weeks, my love Sweetheart is getting married. I'll be her maid of honor, the person who gives her away (her family will not be present for her wedding), and the guardian/godparent to her child once it's born. Lots of exciting changes for Sweetheart. Be sure to send your congratulations if you feel so inclined.
While I have so many wonderful things going on, I can't shake the feeling that I need to be in a different country. I would love nothing more than to just pack a suitcase and see where the wind blows me. Sadly, I've got shit that anchors me here. A person should always dream though, no? I know that I need to at least go to Scotland to hug my mother and siblings. My stepfather recently passed away, and I wasn't able to attend the service due to the short notice and lack of expendable funds for airfare. One day soon though... hopefully.

To keep up with the trial, pay attention to this.

This mural was cute, but made absolutely no sense. "These kids must've been on drugs," Lyxzen said. I love her.

follow me on instagram: @rockpapersatan
I had a celebration of sorts recently. Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to make me feel special and reminded me just how lucky I truly am. I love you guys!
In just a little over two weeks, my love Sweetheart is getting married. I'll be her maid of honor, the person who gives her away (her family will not be present for her wedding), and the guardian/godparent to her child once it's born. Lots of exciting changes for Sweetheart. Be sure to send your congratulations if you feel so inclined.
While I have so many wonderful things going on, I can't shake the feeling that I need to be in a different country. I would love nothing more than to just pack a suitcase and see where the wind blows me. Sadly, I've got shit that anchors me here. A person should always dream though, no? I know that I need to at least go to Scotland to hug my mother and siblings. My stepfather recently passed away, and I wasn't able to attend the service due to the short notice and lack of expendable funds for airfare. One day soon though... hopefully.

I'm in Portland. I texted you but I don't think it worked.... email me and try texting me perhaps?
I got a Pussy Riot shirt from 6dollarshirts.com and cafepress.com has a cool one but it's in women's sizes. And the cafepress one is to help raise money for the Pussy Riot Legal Defense Fund.