I could be really bitter about a recent turn of events, but surprisingly, I feel fucking amazing.
"You would've made an amazing partner, and I would've happily moved mountains for you. Please be honest with these other girls. If you don't see a relationship with them, don't lead them on. Women are terrible to deal with when they become emotional. If you find a girl who makes you happy, do what you can to keep her. You have a lot to offer someone - don't let insecurities fuck up what could be a good thing." Good luck, and goodbye.

His loss. Her gain.

Coming soon: skeleton hands making the "live long and prosper" sign, cat fists raised through a cloud of smoke (complete with pink floyd "dark side of the moon" design in the background).
So true! I just went through a little scenario like that recently.
Motha f*in wifffeeeeyyy