And so much more...
A lady (who came from behind me) nicked the front tire of my bike, as she attempted to make a right turn in her brand new looking white SUV, right in front of my bicycle. I was listening to Joy Division on my ipod, while I was quickly moving on a downhill straight-a-way bike lane. I remember thinking, "I'm making excellent time on this ride," and then, "oh, shit, what the fuck is that car doing?" as I see the front passenger corner of a white SUV roll in front of me and cut me off. It was too late for me to brake, and a quick turn would've resulted in me falling sideways with my bike underneath the car. So what happened? "Oh, shit." Seeing the gravel come closer. Opening my eyes, and realizing that Im staring at the sky. Lots of voices surrounding me - someone's called 911, someone is telling me not to move, someone is filling in someone else on what happened, and a woman apologizing profusely for having hit me.
I decide to move so that I'm not on the street anymore. I make my way to sit up against a wall. One of the bystanders lifted my newly distorted bicycle and propped it up against a telephone post. As I'm trying to save face in front of the crowd, I hear, "shit, she's bleeding." Sure enough, I feel a warm fluid stream down the side of my face. I pull out the tissue I had in my pocket, and apply pressure to the wound. People are trying to talk to me, and I try to shoo them away by saying that I'm fine (and hoping that they won't notice the tears that I'm trying so hard to keep away). However, the lady who hit me seemed to feel so beyond guilty, that as she kept apologizing to me, I could feel my voice quiver and a few tears make their way down my face. I felt so horrible for her, that, had my body not been practically immobilized from the shock, I would've hugged her to let her know that it was okay.
The ambulance, fire truck, and police cars show up to the scene. The paramedics checked me out, and decided to lug me away so that I may get checked out. They were worried that I might have had a minor concussion, a few fractures, and was in need of some stitches.
At the hospital, they x-ray my chest and knee, they stitch up my eye lid, and give me a tetanus shot. The police show up to drop off a copy of the report that had been filed. Apparently, the woman cited for violating the "Vulnerable Roadway Users" protection law. My x-rays showed that nothing was broken. My open wounds were bandaged up, and I was warned that I'd probably be bruising up quite a bit over the next few days.
So far, I'm at ten... and still counting. I'll be happy if I never have to step foot in another hospital for a LONG time.
Oh, and look at my caked blood!
These last couple of months blew. Hopefully the upcoming holidays won't be so bad.
P.S. Huge thanks to atomicant for picking me up from the hospital, taking my bike to get fixed, and letting me call him a bitch for almost not letting me get my wallet prior to taking my bike to the shop... yay
P.P.S. Casper snagged a log for me. It's pretty. Maybe you guys will see what I needed it for sometime soon
How are you feeling?
i wish you lived closer to me. i had so much fun hanging out with you. i cant wait till our paths cross again. ps there is a surprise for xmas on its way to you in the near future. MERRY CHRISTMAS