I have arrived!
Oh, Portland, you wonderful city you
The sun is a little bright out today. The weather is perfect for romping around in a little dinky sweater that, of course, my grandmother would've warned me is not sufficient enough in the warmth department and that I'm just pushing up the date of my impending death (Grandma's are cute in that sense, aren't they? It really isn't that cold out though). Anyway, my apartment kicks a whole lotta ass. I don't quite have an internet connection there yet, but so far, I'm not minding bumming it at nearby coffee shops. Is life sweet right now? Yes. Yes, it is
I kind of left my camera at home. So the pictures I took during my trip are, well, still at home. The drive up the coast was beautiful, but once I had to drive towards Sac town to visit a friend, and was forced to drive on the 5, the ride was rather boring... I saw two cows. I guess what I'm trying to say is that what ended up being a 18 hour drive really wasn't too exciting.
The people here are great. But I do get the sense that they can smell that I'm not from here. I'm fresh meat. I'm new. The constant stares are kinda awkward, and makes me feel as though I have a massive booger sticking out of my nose. Whatever. Hopefully it'll pass soon and I'll be accepted as one of their own.
Reading through what I just wrote, I'm getting the sense that I'm lacking in the coherency department. I should probably look into ditching the coffee because it really isn't helping with my evergrowing case of ADD. Wait. That still doesn't make sense, does it? Damn.
This is Silencia reporting back to SG land. Over and out.
Oh, Portland, you wonderful city you

The sun is a little bright out today. The weather is perfect for romping around in a little dinky sweater that, of course, my grandmother would've warned me is not sufficient enough in the warmth department and that I'm just pushing up the date of my impending death (Grandma's are cute in that sense, aren't they? It really isn't that cold out though). Anyway, my apartment kicks a whole lotta ass. I don't quite have an internet connection there yet, but so far, I'm not minding bumming it at nearby coffee shops. Is life sweet right now? Yes. Yes, it is

I kind of left my camera at home. So the pictures I took during my trip are, well, still at home. The drive up the coast was beautiful, but once I had to drive towards Sac town to visit a friend, and was forced to drive on the 5, the ride was rather boring... I saw two cows. I guess what I'm trying to say is that what ended up being a 18 hour drive really wasn't too exciting.
The people here are great. But I do get the sense that they can smell that I'm not from here. I'm fresh meat. I'm new. The constant stares are kinda awkward, and makes me feel as though I have a massive booger sticking out of my nose. Whatever. Hopefully it'll pass soon and I'll be accepted as one of their own.
Reading through what I just wrote, I'm getting the sense that I'm lacking in the coherency department. I should probably look into ditching the coffee because it really isn't helping with my evergrowing case of ADD. Wait. That still doesn't make sense, does it? Damn.
This is Silencia reporting back to SG land. Over and out.

p.s. u mentioned earlier that u got kittie's new cd, and i just picked it up, and i wasnt all that impressed either. i didnt think it was bad, but i love their old stuf :p.