time for some picturesssss!!!
June 5th--cheesecake factory
June 6th--me and rob and our trip to NYC...we went to the intrepid =) and we took the ferry to nyc

at the intrepid store rob bought me an Air Force bear and pink silencers for his dog tags that he gave me =)
after nyc we went back to his house, ate dinner, i napped for a few hrs while he played video games, we got ice cream and watched super troopers which was hilarious. i had a great day with him.
oh and i was cleaning out some boxes today and found the letters he wrote me when he was in boot camp and urgh it's like i fell in love all over again haha so corny, i know. i hope the next 3 months go nice and slow. september is going to be really really hard for me when he leaves for his first deployment
well that's all for now
June 5th--cheesecake factory

June 6th--me and rob and our trip to NYC...we went to the intrepid =) and we took the ferry to nyc

at the intrepid store rob bought me an Air Force bear and pink silencers for his dog tags that he gave me =)

after nyc we went back to his house, ate dinner, i napped for a few hrs while he played video games, we got ice cream and watched super troopers which was hilarious. i had a great day with him.

oh and i was cleaning out some boxes today and found the letters he wrote me when he was in boot camp and urgh it's like i fell in love all over again haha so corny, i know. i hope the next 3 months go nice and slow. september is going to be really really hard for me when he leaves for his first deployment

well that's all for now
