i am so so so so in love.
i don't know what's hit me the last couple days, but my boy has been so great to me during my recovery of my little tonsillectomy surgery showing me how great of a man he really is and that he can take care of me. he cooked me dinner tonight and made sure i took my medicine and bought me ice cream and watched one tree hill with me all night. he's the best.
he also gave me a set of his military dog tags tonight.
those tags will be on me/with me 24/7. it meant a lot that he gave me them. tomorrow he's gonna come over...finish season 4 of one tree hill, go to IHOP for pancakes that we've both been wanted for like..ever. haha and then maybe stopping by my friends bbq. aside from the pain i've been through the past few days from my surgery, it's been a great couple days. i'm glad i got a week to just mellow out after school being over and not having to worry about getting tonsillitis anymore haha.
back to work on tuesday. boo. i should be knowing soon if i got into radiology or not. i'm so nervous
guess we'll just have to wait and see.

i don't know what's hit me the last couple days, but my boy has been so great to me during my recovery of my little tonsillectomy surgery showing me how great of a man he really is and that he can take care of me. he cooked me dinner tonight and made sure i took my medicine and bought me ice cream and watched one tree hill with me all night. he's the best.
he also gave me a set of his military dog tags tonight.

back to work on tuesday. boo. i should be knowing soon if i got into radiology or not. i'm so nervous


yay! i love hearing about a couple being so in love! i'm happy for you!