i honestly don't know what to do anymore. i'm in so much fucking pain. i got my tonsils out monday. it's friday and i'm still in the worst pain i have ever felt. my 1st bottle of pain medicine is almost out. my mom ordered a new one last night. i hope i can get it by today. i keep waking up coughing...and not being able to swallow and blacking out from pain. i just can't deal anymore. i didn't think getting my tonsils out would be that big of a deal but apparently i was wrong.
i just took a shot of my liquid vicodin. so it should kick in fully in about 15 min. i'm already starting to mellow out. i'm exhausted. it's only 4:30am. for the past 4 days i've been waking up at 4am. it's so annoying i just want to sleep.
my eyes are getting heavy again and i calmed down a bit from about 5 min ago when i was ready to put my head through a wall. i'm just going to put on the tv...keep the door and light on and the fan on full blast and hopefully i'll fall back asleep.
fml. surgeries suck dick.
i just took a shot of my liquid vicodin. so it should kick in fully in about 15 min. i'm already starting to mellow out. i'm exhausted. it's only 4:30am. for the past 4 days i've been waking up at 4am. it's so annoying i just want to sleep.
my eyes are getting heavy again and i calmed down a bit from about 5 min ago when i was ready to put my head through a wall. i'm just going to put on the tv...keep the door and light on and the fan on full blast and hopefully i'll fall back asleep.
fml. surgeries suck dick.

wow. i heard it was rough the older you were but that sucks hardcore. can't say if that's normal or not though. either way, sorry 

Aww, Im sorry = ( I want to give you some pain meds through the screen.