On june 18th i wrote a post explaining why the economy was falling. So i have said this before.
You can't expect people to all of a sudden have more money to spend on your product when they are barely able to make it to work! This is basic, why hasn't the goverment figured this shit out?
Imagine if you will.
a.) A month ago you needed gas. You purchase said gas at $65 a tank. You go home because you don't really have the money to spend, what if you need more gas? All you had was $100 to spend this week.
b.) Six years ago. You purchase said gas at $22 a tank. You go into the gas shop, buy a snickers (50 cents) and a coke (1 dollar). Then you go to pick up your girl and go out to eat (30 dollars). Then you watch a movie (20 dollars). Total cost 51.50 + 22 = 73.50 you almost have enough left over for a full tank of gas, and even maybe a half tank till next week and get mcdonalds for lunch.
Do you see the driving factors here? You just paid out 51.50 to companies, who's product are made by people, and people work for these companies. Now take that number and times it times oohhh lets say 30 million. 25 FUCKING MILLION!!!! I'll even go 10 FUCKING MILLION!!! Thats 510 Million dollars that aren't going to these companies. Coke is loosing MILLIONS!!! Because of gas!
Its about time the fuckturds started seeing the coralation. Stop ignoring the blatantly obvious.
1.)We are dependent on oil.
2.)We purchase oil from the middle east.
3.) We are at war with factions (aka terrorist) from the middle east. Who wish to destory us.
Quick questions class;
How do you destory a nation?
So, its time for the US government to stop ignoring the situation and fix it (Don't ask me how, or i'll spit in your face). If these gas prices go back up, we are all screwed. There will be no more Santa! Frosty the red noose rain deer just go shot to feed the elves, sorry. We ate dasher and dancer for thanksgiving.
You can't expect people to all of a sudden have more money to spend on your product when they are barely able to make it to work! This is basic, why hasn't the goverment figured this shit out?
Imagine if you will.
a.) A month ago you needed gas. You purchase said gas at $65 a tank. You go home because you don't really have the money to spend, what if you need more gas? All you had was $100 to spend this week.
b.) Six years ago. You purchase said gas at $22 a tank. You go into the gas shop, buy a snickers (50 cents) and a coke (1 dollar). Then you go to pick up your girl and go out to eat (30 dollars). Then you watch a movie (20 dollars). Total cost 51.50 + 22 = 73.50 you almost have enough left over for a full tank of gas, and even maybe a half tank till next week and get mcdonalds for lunch.
Do you see the driving factors here? You just paid out 51.50 to companies, who's product are made by people, and people work for these companies. Now take that number and times it times oohhh lets say 30 million. 25 FUCKING MILLION!!!! I'll even go 10 FUCKING MILLION!!! Thats 510 Million dollars that aren't going to these companies. Coke is loosing MILLIONS!!! Because of gas!
Its about time the fuckturds started seeing the coralation. Stop ignoring the blatantly obvious.
1.)We are dependent on oil.
2.)We purchase oil from the middle east.
3.) We are at war with factions (aka terrorist) from the middle east. Who wish to destory us.
Quick questions class;
How do you destory a nation?

So, its time for the US government to stop ignoring the situation and fix it (Don't ask me how, or i'll spit in your face). If these gas prices go back up, we are all screwed. There will be no more Santa! Frosty the red noose rain deer just go shot to feed the elves, sorry. We ate dasher and dancer for thanksgiving.
It's not news to anyone that we have a financial crisis of sorts going on, but there are people that spoke of this happening a long time ago...It's funny how true they were. I heard a financial professor from Harvard on the radio talking about gas prices a few years back and he was pretty much 100 percent right about his predictions...scary. Is a war the answer? I don't know...if it is, we're doing it all wrong anyway. When was the last war won using brute force? A war that had a FINAL fix because of a brutal solution? I think ( and trust me, I ain't no genyass) the only way to win is through business....which you touched on. Money is the biggest weapon and the biggest target.
My girlfriend made an excellent point the other day, she was saying that she would not be suprised if after the shopping holidays are over, gas prices mysteriously rise again. As in, they are only low right now to boost sales during the season...when it's most needed. I think she's right.
do you get to go anywhere for xmas? you prob have duty that night roundin up all the drunks, right