Someone stop him before he hurts himself.
OMG, ok ya lets open drilling, because that will help lower gas prices... Has he lost his freaking mind? How in the hell is that gonna help? I'm guessing the same people who told him that the weapons of mass destruction where in Iraq, are the same ones who claim drilling off shore will help, and the same ones who say giving americans a stimulious check will promote more spending...
My formula
Money = Economy
Economy = Mass Business
One Business (is not equal to) Mass Business
One Business (is not equal to) Economy
But its not really drilling is it Mr. President, no because drilling takes time and money, Sooo, what are we doing with all the offshore oil rigs we already have Mr. President? What about the great Alaskan Pipeline that Americans spend and spent so much money on? Why not just open those up? How about the Hundereds of thousands of oil pumps scattered across the mid-west? What about those? Why are we promoting new drilling when we already have unused locations, ready to go?
Hahaha, Huck saying very polictically McCain doesn't have a shot in hell-
But the real question here is, why is bush and McCain attacking Obama? Is the president supposed to get invovled like that? Just wondering. I mean shit First it was Clinton only. Then Bush/McCain/Clinton on him all at once. Clinton drops out. McCain/Bush try harder to discredit him... Its not working folks, he's got his Bruce Lee Tapes out and Waaahtaaaing you... Give it up! Your acting like a bunch of little kids name calling each other or saying so and so wears bo bo shoes...
The good news -;_ylt=AnkMbaRx762NjrxY25XdCoWs0NUE
All i can say is its about time, people have been saying Bin Laden is in Pakistan for years. I had a Pakistan tell me he was in I was like naaa, but honestly, it makes sense.
*I really had to dumb this down a bunch... i don't wanna get thrown in military prison... Ohh the freedom to douche my thoughts on this blog like i wish i could.
OMG, ok ya lets open drilling, because that will help lower gas prices... Has he lost his freaking mind? How in the hell is that gonna help? I'm guessing the same people who told him that the weapons of mass destruction where in Iraq, are the same ones who claim drilling off shore will help, and the same ones who say giving americans a stimulious check will promote more spending...
My formula
Money = Economy
Economy = Mass Business
One Business (is not equal to) Mass Business
One Business (is not equal to) Economy
But its not really drilling is it Mr. President, no because drilling takes time and money, Sooo, what are we doing with all the offshore oil rigs we already have Mr. President? What about the great Alaskan Pipeline that Americans spend and spent so much money on? Why not just open those up? How about the Hundereds of thousands of oil pumps scattered across the mid-west? What about those? Why are we promoting new drilling when we already have unused locations, ready to go?
Hahaha, Huck saying very polictically McCain doesn't have a shot in hell-
But the real question here is, why is bush and McCain attacking Obama? Is the president supposed to get invovled like that? Just wondering. I mean shit First it was Clinton only. Then Bush/McCain/Clinton on him all at once. Clinton drops out. McCain/Bush try harder to discredit him... Its not working folks, he's got his Bruce Lee Tapes out and Waaahtaaaing you... Give it up! Your acting like a bunch of little kids name calling each other or saying so and so wears bo bo shoes...
The good news -;_ylt=AnkMbaRx762NjrxY25XdCoWs0NUE
All i can say is its about time, people have been saying Bin Laden is in Pakistan for years. I had a Pakistan tell me he was in I was like naaa, but honestly, it makes sense.
*I really had to dumb this down a bunch... i don't wanna get thrown in military prison... Ohh the freedom to douche my thoughts on this blog like i wish i could.
why would he be saying congress needs to allow that?
oh yeah...
cause his whole family has invested all their money in the OIL BUSINESS
doesnt matter if it'll help working people at all, it'll make the oil companies money and make all our beaches look like shit
--- he's still a douche bag