I should have died so many times… but sometimes you just don’t die. I guess I gotta do this life thing.

How are you lately?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We only ment that at the time...

I just made spaghetti, with my own tomato sauce mix. And then i made blue berry muffins to go with it. I also boiled a artichoke, to have on the side.


First time i've seen artichokes out here. Totally craving one for the last 8 months. My parents live right next to a artichoke farm. So we steal them all the time....
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Phycologist says i'm suffering from Bi-Polar disorder, and PTSD. First round phychatrist, get the pills. Then post deployment Phycologist. Then we'll see. Maybe i'll get the Fukitol out of my system.
hey happy birthday
Crossfit Asia

The Demo, which is the real thing but halfed. Anyway, i almost died. After the three rounds i saw spots and hit the floor, laid there for about 5 mins, thinking which way i should turn my head to throw up. Then the nausea passed. OMG i've never been so out of breath in my life, after taking a shower i think i...
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Not bad dude, I've been doing ( well, off and on doing...) the P90X thing at work. It's funny, I'm WAY lazy about doing it, only do it at work, and yet I still think I see some results. Very,very, small results..but still. I guess all of that stuff works to a degree..so long as youo actually do it...haha. Have fun!
Dude, I'm all over it...I just need to get a few things. Like a new wetsuit, and maybe even a new board....mine's looking rough! Plus, I wanna go bigger, I've got an 8'9'' Hansen right now.
One word for you kids, practice!

I've used the pick up line. "Will you marry me" twenty times. No luck. Moving on to "excuse me, did you fart?".

Start crossfit tomorrow, I will be in pain for the next week. Maybe In a few months I won't need pick up lines, I'll just say hi.. However 9.1/10 on hot or not. 600 people have voted...
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