I think I am going to start titling these blogs after random objects on my desk. I have never really understood the purpose of a blog title. It feels like I am being asked to stereotype and label my life and thoughts for the convenience of people who for some reason follow me on various forms of social media but don't like anything I have to say.
BUT ANYWAY lets move on.
My girlfriend has been gone for almost two months now. She says she loves me still but I haven't seen her in two weeks. She has a new friends from the local Air Force Base she goes running with, and has been staying at a persons house whom I have never met or been able to substantiate as a real person. Its all in all pretty shitty and I guess I really must love her because the last thing in the world I want is for her to tell me that she is never coming home. I have however cut back my budget to the point where I am ready to take on the full brunt of the bills should she decide that she is out for good.
I am struggling to learn how to cook. I have probably spent about $400-$500 on take out since she left, possibly more. Its not that I lack the motor skills to cut things or the ability to read and follow instructions. Its just that nothing I make comes out the way it is supposed to, and it sure as fuck doesn't look like the picture. I tried throwing money at the problem and bought some Ginsu Knives. They cut great but my food tastes the same lol.
So I guess I am sad, lonely, and hungry.
At least this guy still loves me XD
His name is Bear and he is my best friend.
I leave you with this: