Excuse me for a moment while I wax pedantic.
Why is it that people think it's a compliment to say someone looks beautiful? "Congratulations, you won the genetic lottery/got your money's worth from the plastic surgeon!" Don't get me wrong, my head turns for a pretty face, too - I'm a hypocrite here, I admit it - but physical appearance is about the least important part of anyone. It tells you almost nothing about the person themselves.
Face it, we've all known some pretty people who turned out to be damn ugly, not that many of us are willing to give it a shot with someone we're not into physically. Nothing wrong with that, either - you can't make yourself do that.
I'll notice someone who's pretty, sure, but I don't get attracted to someone until I know them a little. It means I don't even get tempted to ask anyone out very often (well, to be honest, the geekishness tends to hurt there, too), but at the same time, I flirt weirdly anyway. There's a girl I have my eye on here, and I don't even know how to approach her.
I ramble sometimes.
Regardless, isn't it better to say that someone's inspiring? Relaxing to talk to? Insightful? Can make a mean Denver omelette? Or, at the very least, isn't it better to be with someone who is beautiful, instead of just looking it?
Why is it that people think it's a compliment to say someone looks beautiful? "Congratulations, you won the genetic lottery/got your money's worth from the plastic surgeon!" Don't get me wrong, my head turns for a pretty face, too - I'm a hypocrite here, I admit it - but physical appearance is about the least important part of anyone. It tells you almost nothing about the person themselves.
Face it, we've all known some pretty people who turned out to be damn ugly, not that many of us are willing to give it a shot with someone we're not into physically. Nothing wrong with that, either - you can't make yourself do that.
I'll notice someone who's pretty, sure, but I don't get attracted to someone until I know them a little. It means I don't even get tempted to ask anyone out very often (well, to be honest, the geekishness tends to hurt there, too), but at the same time, I flirt weirdly anyway. There's a girl I have my eye on here, and I don't even know how to approach her.
I ramble sometimes.
Regardless, isn't it better to say that someone's inspiring? Relaxing to talk to? Insightful? Can make a mean Denver omelette? Or, at the very least, isn't it better to be with someone who is beautiful, instead of just looking it?
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