Yes, it's time once again to play everyone's favorite game, "Guess Who Hasn't Taken Their ADD Meds Yet Today?"
Not brought to you by CVS.
Am I the only person out there who was interested in seeing Brokeback Mountain until those commercials with that whiny "I wish I could quit you" line?
My bosses have given me a deadline without paying me for the last job, but given that the big boss has apparently dumped all his work (including the paying me and mine portion of it) onto the l'il boss, I'm cutting the l'il boss some slack and doing this run. The poor bastard's always sounded cheery on the phone, no matter what, and yesterday he sounded like he wanted to open his wrists before I said word one. Afterwards, we'll see, but I'm not holding out hope...
You know how sometimes you learn a new word, and then hear it everywhere immediately thereafter? T-minus 65 days until I go to school for pharmacy technician stuff, and it feels like damn near everyone around me is having medication problems of some kind.
Oh, and good news: my damn books are at the printers. This means that barring a massive printer error or another standoff with the government (what the fuck are my bosses doing, hiring printers in "The Republic of Texas"?!), I get my long green come March/April. Hopefully in time for my birthday, but eh, we'll see.
Kinda nervous about any general SG meets. For some reason, it just seems a little scary to know that most of these get togethers are booze-based, when I know from experience just how badly alcohol interacts with my meds. Feh. I'll work up the courage sooner or later - really like the notion of hitting Scarborough Faire again, if only to see how it's changed and whether any of my old friends from Denton still work there.
One of my favorite video games, The Movies, is doing a contest that - gee whiz! - allows the winner(s) to basically make a Chrystler commercial for a pittance compared to what it'd normally cost the company. Naturally, I'm still interested anyway.
My father doesn't know how to lock the keypad on his cellphone, and leaves it in his pocket at all times. Naturally, I'm usually the last person he's called, so I get to listen to the sound of him walking around.
Okay, it's time for the meds. Ahh, Adderal. I wish I could quit you!
Not brought to you by CVS.
Am I the only person out there who was interested in seeing Brokeback Mountain until those commercials with that whiny "I wish I could quit you" line?
My bosses have given me a deadline without paying me for the last job, but given that the big boss has apparently dumped all his work (including the paying me and mine portion of it) onto the l'il boss, I'm cutting the l'il boss some slack and doing this run. The poor bastard's always sounded cheery on the phone, no matter what, and yesterday he sounded like he wanted to open his wrists before I said word one. Afterwards, we'll see, but I'm not holding out hope...
You know how sometimes you learn a new word, and then hear it everywhere immediately thereafter? T-minus 65 days until I go to school for pharmacy technician stuff, and it feels like damn near everyone around me is having medication problems of some kind.
Oh, and good news: my damn books are at the printers. This means that barring a massive printer error or another standoff with the government (what the fuck are my bosses doing, hiring printers in "The Republic of Texas"?!), I get my long green come March/April. Hopefully in time for my birthday, but eh, we'll see.
Kinda nervous about any general SG meets. For some reason, it just seems a little scary to know that most of these get togethers are booze-based, when I know from experience just how badly alcohol interacts with my meds. Feh. I'll work up the courage sooner or later - really like the notion of hitting Scarborough Faire again, if only to see how it's changed and whether any of my old friends from Denton still work there.
One of my favorite video games, The Movies, is doing a contest that - gee whiz! - allows the winner(s) to basically make a Chrystler commercial for a pittance compared to what it'd normally cost the company. Naturally, I'm still interested anyway.
My father doesn't know how to lock the keypad on his cellphone, and leaves it in his pocket at all times. Naturally, I'm usually the last person he's called, so I get to listen to the sound of him walking around.
Okay, it's time for the meds. Ahh, Adderal. I wish I could quit you!