Two pieces of news:
1. First call is in. Snappy Liberal Arts School has called me out for a visit at the end of the month.
2. I want to punch my neighbor. In his *face.* I, like all normal people, do laundry - and when I put my clothes in my dryer, I include a dryer sheet (so I smell nice and don't have static cling). My laundry vent is near my neighbor's house - there's basically a sidewalk and his driveway between my vent and his home plus workshop. Even though I had lived here for nearly a year, this past May he told me he is allergic to these fumes from my dryer sheet. Since I have an allergy or two, as does my mom, I gladly switched to some weird hippie product (Static Eliminator) which is, apparently, chemical free. NOW he is complaining AGAIN about my dryer stink, and making weird passive aggressive comments ("Let's put a hose on your vent, and I'll route it back into your *house* yuckyuckyuck."). Basically: he likes to piss and moan, and really does want to put a hose that redirects the smell. I told him to take it up with the landlord. But it's pretty, um, WTF?
1. First call is in. Snappy Liberal Arts School has called me out for a visit at the end of the month.
2. I want to punch my neighbor. In his *face.* I, like all normal people, do laundry - and when I put my clothes in my dryer, I include a dryer sheet (so I smell nice and don't have static cling). My laundry vent is near my neighbor's house - there's basically a sidewalk and his driveway between my vent and his home plus workshop. Even though I had lived here for nearly a year, this past May he told me he is allergic to these fumes from my dryer sheet. Since I have an allergy or two, as does my mom, I gladly switched to some weird hippie product (Static Eliminator) which is, apparently, chemical free. NOW he is complaining AGAIN about my dryer stink, and making weird passive aggressive comments ("Let's put a hose on your vent, and I'll route it back into your *house* yuckyuckyuck."). Basically: he likes to piss and moan, and really does want to put a hose that redirects the smell. I told him to take it up with the landlord. But it's pretty, um, WTF?
Hm. What would happen if you were to stop using said sheets for (say) a fortnight, without telling your jackass neighbour? (I know, you wouldn't smell so pretty