Random things:
1. School starts tomorrow. Oof.
2. I feel like my running off/sit ups/better snacking habits are paying off just a little. Nice. I'm not particularly obsessive about working out or anything (though I do feel guilty about NOT doing it sometimes, which annoys me). But I woud like to be a bit fitter. I feel like we're getting there.
3. Man, growing up is *exhausting.* I never understood why my mom was in such a bad mood about me getting things done around the house, or why she got so bent out of shape when things were messy. I'm not a neat freak, and often leave papers laying all over the coffee table or the couch cushions askew. BUT! I see how much work it takes to keep a house, do the bills, cook the food, get the groceries, and manage a household full of laundry now. Sorry Mom!
4. There's a cat hanging out in my yard. He even tries to get in my house when I open the door! I think he's just a nosy fucker - he rejected my offer of water the other day. He also looks clean and well fed. Like I said: he's just cheeky. It *does* re-ignite my interest in a pet. (Then I come back to #3 above and think about how much *more* work that would be....)
1. School starts tomorrow. Oof.
2. I feel like my running off/sit ups/better snacking habits are paying off just a little. Nice. I'm not particularly obsessive about working out or anything (though I do feel guilty about NOT doing it sometimes, which annoys me). But I woud like to be a bit fitter. I feel like we're getting there.
3. Man, growing up is *exhausting.* I never understood why my mom was in such a bad mood about me getting things done around the house, or why she got so bent out of shape when things were messy. I'm not a neat freak, and often leave papers laying all over the coffee table or the couch cushions askew. BUT! I see how much work it takes to keep a house, do the bills, cook the food, get the groceries, and manage a household full of laundry now. Sorry Mom!
4. There's a cat hanging out in my yard. He even tries to get in my house when I open the door! I think he's just a nosy fucker - he rejected my offer of water the other day. He also looks clean and well fed. Like I said: he's just cheeky. It *does* re-ignite my interest in a pet. (Then I come back to #3 above and think about how much *more* work that would be....)
Weird, huh? It's like living life can lead you to learn things about it...
Ohhhh realllyyyy? What did you study there? What's your opinion of the economics department? I'm not crazy about what little I know about Chicago school economics, but like you said, it's a damn good school. Their economics department is supposed to be the best in the country, and Chicago seems like it would be a really fun place to live. I didn't get near the UChicago campus while I was there. Is it safe and/or affordable to live near the school? What kind of problems did you have with the school? I've heard that it's a lot easier (academically) to get into UChicago than to get out. Does that sound like an accurate description? I probably have more questions, but that's probably enough for now.