My wife has had two pairs of black panties go "missing" from her apartment building. She thinks it's just chance - she misses grabbing them out of the dryer etc. I think it's weird that they're both black, and she's never lost any other garments that she's aware of. My money is on a panty snatcher. But I'm paranoid/pervy like that.
Oh, the conference was good. I'm over this semester. I hate doing laundry.
Oh, the conference was good. I'm over this semester. I hate doing laundry.
Yeah, I think for th statisticians, "p" is pretty pass. They're way beyond that, but it's funny how different techniques, expectations, and arbitrary values obtain importance in diverse fields.
They had a special but if you don't qualify then you just put up a deposit then the first month and move in, it was too small anyway but I was cutting it close on finding a place.