Minor job update: Last week Livable Regional State School e-mailed to see if I was still available. I, of course, quickly emailed back to confirm that I was. Then, I got an email back that basically said "We like you, but we have a strong pool, you'll here back soon." So I'm cautiously optimistic.
I'm especially excited because Livable Regional State School actually had a pretty early deadline, in mid-October. So there might be a few more mid-size and small schools that are just moving slowly out there, and that I might also have a shot at. Further, it's also encouraging because Livable Regional State School is also pretty teaching focused, so the fact that they're interested in me means that a few other of these slow moving schools *may* express interest in me. This, combined with a handful of schools that had mid-December and mid-January deadlines, means I'm still "alive" on the market. This makes me ... cautiously optimistic again.
I'm especially excited because Livable Regional State School actually had a pretty early deadline, in mid-October. So there might be a few more mid-size and small schools that are just moving slowly out there, and that I might also have a shot at. Further, it's also encouraging because Livable Regional State School is also pretty teaching focused, so the fact that they're interested in me means that a few other of these slow moving schools *may* express interest in me. This, combined with a handful of schools that had mid-December and mid-January deadlines, means I'm still "alive" on the market. This makes me ... cautiously optimistic again.
Seriously, is it named after a person or what?
Of course!