Today is talk like a pirate day, so "Ahoy me maties!" And that is all the pirate talk you are going to get out of me
Today was a good day. Spent the morning getting Sauda out of bed and off to her thing. Then me and Dooder went for a run around the town. Then he crashed big time and was napping for several hours and I got to finish off the Tenchi Muyo: Riyo Ohki DVD 2 that I was looking forward to watching (could go on for awhile about that, but you'll have to bug me about it another time). Sauda got home and finally got me the details about what she wanted with regards to an improv-ed cricket bat for a number she is doing soon. So I got to haul out all my hand tools and got to work. Right now, we are dubbing it the broadsword of cricket bats, as it is about 7" in width, while regulation bats are 4.25" or less. Will fix that little issue tomorrow, but it was fun making it. I enjoy little projects like that a lot. Though it does make me wish for power tools and a decent work bench. I think I could do a pretty good job making all sorts of stuff in that case, though I am not entirely sure what all I would make. I'll just put it on the list of things to get when I am rich and can actually afford a house in this town.
After Sauda got back with Dooder and our friend Kakairo from the SuperTarget, we went to a local Octoberfest that was going on. It was very nice to go out some more (I spent a lot more time outside for a normal day than usual, but the weather was fantastic and it felt really good). We shared some chicken from a local Indian restaurant, some chicken wings, and finished it with some Tiramisu gelato. I also had some microbrews (1684 and Hoptober, I believe), and once again came to the conclusion that I am more of a dark beer guy. Give me a strong stout any day (though the 1684 wasn't bad). And now I am home on the computer, after finishing up a tiny bit of programming, while Sauda is off at a birthday party. Tomorrow should be a less eventful day, which is also always welcome.
Anyway, I am off to bed shortly, probably to read some more from American Gods until I fall asleep. Good night.
EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention that I am toying around with, where you can upload your music and then listen to it anywhere that has a net connection. I normally use Pandora for work, but this might give me an opportunity to listen to my own stuff every now and then. I'll try to remember to post about it again once I use it some more.
Pro Tip: Don't update the sentence at the top of your profile while writing a blog.

Today was a good day. Spent the morning getting Sauda out of bed and off to her thing. Then me and Dooder went for a run around the town. Then he crashed big time and was napping for several hours and I got to finish off the Tenchi Muyo: Riyo Ohki DVD 2 that I was looking forward to watching (could go on for awhile about that, but you'll have to bug me about it another time). Sauda got home and finally got me the details about what she wanted with regards to an improv-ed cricket bat for a number she is doing soon. So I got to haul out all my hand tools and got to work. Right now, we are dubbing it the broadsword of cricket bats, as it is about 7" in width, while regulation bats are 4.25" or less. Will fix that little issue tomorrow, but it was fun making it. I enjoy little projects like that a lot. Though it does make me wish for power tools and a decent work bench. I think I could do a pretty good job making all sorts of stuff in that case, though I am not entirely sure what all I would make. I'll just put it on the list of things to get when I am rich and can actually afford a house in this town.
After Sauda got back with Dooder and our friend Kakairo from the SuperTarget, we went to a local Octoberfest that was going on. It was very nice to go out some more (I spent a lot more time outside for a normal day than usual, but the weather was fantastic and it felt really good). We shared some chicken from a local Indian restaurant, some chicken wings, and finished it with some Tiramisu gelato. I also had some microbrews (1684 and Hoptober, I believe), and once again came to the conclusion that I am more of a dark beer guy. Give me a strong stout any day (though the 1684 wasn't bad). And now I am home on the computer, after finishing up a tiny bit of programming, while Sauda is off at a birthday party. Tomorrow should be a less eventful day, which is also always welcome.
Anyway, I am off to bed shortly, probably to read some more from American Gods until I fall asleep. Good night.
EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention that I am toying around with, where you can upload your music and then listen to it anywhere that has a net connection. I normally use Pandora for work, but this might give me an opportunity to listen to my own stuff every now and then. I'll try to remember to post about it again once I use it some more.
Pro Tip: Don't update the sentence at the top of your profile while writing a blog.
Octoberfest sounds so fun! Yesterday was a great day for it. I love the fall.