11:00 am.
Gray sky, and the air thick with the usual,
Sunday sedation.
Hissing past cars on wet wheels, I-95.
The church folks are about to make the mad dash to Denny's, or Starbucks. Or maybe home, to their astro turf and Golden Retrievers.
Round faces, white socks, televisions aglow.
A piece of happiness keeps me company--
A platinum bucket exploding with grass, lightly bouncing in the passenger seat, blades shivering on the bumpy ride to my part time job.
I wear my darkest pair of shades like a curtain...I would only show these eyes to a few today.
Music pushing into my ears at full volume, drowning out my Sunday thoughts.
I hear the light rustling, look over,
and can't help the smile that slowly makes it's way across my face.
Grown because someone cares about what I love.
I pull into the parking lot,
the wild green stalks shake excitedly, vibrant
as if trying to tell me something vital.
The smile sinks deep into my mind,
I step out of the car, cool air fills my nose,
Everything is perfect.
Gray sky, and the air thick with the usual,
Sunday sedation.
Hissing past cars on wet wheels, I-95.
The church folks are about to make the mad dash to Denny's, or Starbucks. Or maybe home, to their astro turf and Golden Retrievers.
Round faces, white socks, televisions aglow.
A piece of happiness keeps me company--
A platinum bucket exploding with grass, lightly bouncing in the passenger seat, blades shivering on the bumpy ride to my part time job.
I wear my darkest pair of shades like a curtain...I would only show these eyes to a few today.
Music pushing into my ears at full volume, drowning out my Sunday thoughts.
I hear the light rustling, look over,
and can't help the smile that slowly makes it's way across my face.
Grown because someone cares about what I love.
I pull into the parking lot,
the wild green stalks shake excitedly, vibrant
as if trying to tell me something vital.
The smile sinks deep into my mind,
I step out of the car, cool air fills my nose,
Everything is perfect.
get the sunny bears from whole foods.