And suddenly BOOM!!
How yae's aw daen?
Think it's maybe time to update, the story so far... since nobody seems to have anything to say these days I figured i'm either very boring or everyone else is just busy, busy. Anyway! I just rearranged my bedroom, which was a fete in itself, on a few occasions I thought my (cheap shitey) book shelf was about to collapse on me then nothing seemed to fit! so I chopped up a set of shelves and now I have more which is just Dandy! I'm happy with that.
On account of being skint I decided to stay at home as opposed to heading into town for CLUB NOIR but that went tits up due to afore mentioned problems. So me and Neil went on our usual Jaunt towards our usual Haunt (gettit?) but then the police turned up! I near enough crapped myself but they didn't find shit in my car but took all my details and I had to go to the station today to produce insurance docs! fucking waste of time!
I seem to have lost my back door key also, I'm feeling a bit gutted since it had my Hello Kitty keyring on it. it was soft and wore a wee pvc dress and now she's gone.
and I can't find another one anywhere.
Well, that's put a bit of a downer to the whole journal thingy but on a lighter note, I had my son all last week! we spent a lot of time together going swimming and trips to the park, it was just great to see him again and for so long this time. Onyhoo! I best be off. tis getting late but for your enjoyment I'll leave you with THIS!

How yae's aw daen?
Think it's maybe time to update, the story so far... since nobody seems to have anything to say these days I figured i'm either very boring or everyone else is just busy, busy. Anyway! I just rearranged my bedroom, which was a fete in itself, on a few occasions I thought my (cheap shitey) book shelf was about to collapse on me then nothing seemed to fit! so I chopped up a set of shelves and now I have more which is just Dandy! I'm happy with that.
On account of being skint I decided to stay at home as opposed to heading into town for CLUB NOIR but that went tits up due to afore mentioned problems. So me and Neil went on our usual Jaunt towards our usual Haunt (gettit?) but then the police turned up! I near enough crapped myself but they didn't find shit in my car but took all my details and I had to go to the station today to produce insurance docs! fucking waste of time!
I seem to have lost my back door key also, I'm feeling a bit gutted since it had my Hello Kitty keyring on it. it was soft and wore a wee pvc dress and now she's gone.

Well, that's put a bit of a downer to the whole journal thingy but on a lighter note, I had my son all last week! we spent a lot of time together going swimming and trips to the park, it was just great to see him again and for so long this time. Onyhoo! I best be off. tis getting late but for your enjoyment I'll leave you with THIS!

Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set!